2024 Global Workshop Agenda
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Global Workshop
Thursday, October 3rd
GCAP Global Workshop – Together Towards Mission 1.5: Enabling Local Action to Drive Global Change
Day 2: Accelerating Implementation
This day is focused on implementation actions to meet existing climate goals set by NDCs and LTS through financing mechanisms, policy and regulatory changes, multi-stakeholder collaboration, and replication of good practices.
View the plenary presentation materials.
9:00 | Welcome Back, Reflections on Day 1, Agenda for Day 2 Location: Grand Ballroom |
9:15 | Fireside Chat – Accelerating NDC and LTS Implementation Location: Grand Ballroom This fireside chat will feature lessons learned from NDC and LTS implementation in several countries, including efforts to mobilize climate finance. Moderator: Mr. Ron Benioff, GCAP Executive Director Speakers: Mr. Felix William Fuentebella, Undersecretary, Department of Energy, Philippines Ms. Amudi Chioma Felistas, National Desk Officer for NDC/LT-LEDS, Council on Climate Change, Nigeria Ms. Berit von Kurnatowski, Deputy Director of the IKI Division, Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action **Portuguese <-> Spanish <-> French <-> English simultaneous translation will be available. |
10:00 | Coffee Break & marketplace Location: Grand Ballroom and Circulação Scendere |
10:30 | Parallel Sessions |
National Transition Planning to Accelerate Climate Action and Support Sustainable Development
Organized by the Coalition of Finance Ministers (World Bank)
Location: Scendere I
As the global economy transitions to a just, low-emissions, climate resilient and nature positive future, we can expect every sector to transform. Systemic transformation requires strategic transition planning across the economy. Governments can play a decisive role through national transition planning: managing the change; setting direction both internally within government and across the economy; and providing incentives, finance and support to accelerate progress. Targeted interventions can help to crowd-in and scale private finance for the transition. No government is starting the planning process from scratch: governments can build on NDCs, LTSs, country platforms and other existing plans and strategies. This hands-on, practical session will introduce recommendations for national transition planning, with interactive exercises to explore the key considerations, action areas and implementation challenges for governments as they develop their plans. Participants will be invited to identify priority focus areas for NDC updates/future LTSs, and consider resource and capacity needs.
This breakout session is an opportunity for an exchange of participants’ experiences and insights relevant to the role of government in helping to steer the transition to a just, low-emissions, climate resilient and nature positive future. The session will focus on how strategic national transition planning can set a clear direction, both within the various layers, branches and functions of government, and across the economy. Through targeted interventions, national transition planning can give private actors the confidence, incentives and support to scale private finance for the transition.
Through interactive exercises, participants will be invited to explore the key considerations and action areas relevant to national transition planning, examining:
- The most relevant aspects of national transition planning in their particular jurisdictional context
- How they can build on existing NDCs, LTSs and other plans and strategies
- Where they would focus priority attention in implementation, including priority activities for NDC updates and future LTSs
- Resource and capacity needs and opportunities for collaboration with peers (bilateral, regional, global) during and after the workshop
Expected Outcomes
- Clear recommendations on the key considerations and action areas for a strategic, whole-of-government and whole-of-economy approach to national transition planning
- Ideas on how to prioritise enhancements to NDCs and LTSs to accelerate private finance for the transition
- Identified opportunities for collaboration with peers during and after the workshop
Speakers & Moderators
- Peter Knaack, Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action, World Bank
- Mark Manning, Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action, World Bank
- Andre Andrade, Subsecretary of long-Term Planning, Ministry of Planning and Budgeting, Brazil
- Felipe Gajardo, Assessor to the Environment Minister, Chile
The Role of Article 6 in Enhancing Carbon Markets and Financing NDCs
Organized by GCAP Finance Working Group, UNDP, C&E Advisory and SouthSouthNorth
Location: Scendere II
The session is designed to explore regional opportunities and challenges in developing carbon markets as a source of financing NDCs in Africa, South-East-Asia, and Latin America. Where possible share best practices and success stories by showcasing successful carbon market projects and policies/regulations from each region. Discussions will focus on the operationalization of Article 6.2, which allows the transfer of the Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) between the two countries that can be used to meet their NDCs. The focus will also be on how to promote collaboration and networking by facilitating connections between policymakers, practitioners, and stakeholders from the three regions to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Expected outcomes
- Participants share insights into the policy and regulatory frameworks necessary to scale carbon markets, addressing barriers such as bureaucracy, financial constraints, technical capacity, and market infrastructure.
- Acquire deeper understanding of how Articles 6.2 & 6.4 can strengthen carbon by integrating local communities participation, promoting transparency, and ensuring NDC financing.
- Future trends that will lead to innovative approaches to developing countries carbon market mechanisms that enhance regional collaboration, climate action and NDC financing.
- Explore opportunities for regional and global cooperation and continued peer learning to advance carbon markets.
Speakers & Moderators
- Stephen Mutimba, Managing Director, Climate & Energy Advisory Ltd
- VS Balasubramanian, Joint Director, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
- Andrew Bilich, Project Lead, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
Solutions for Enabling a High Share of Renewables
Organized by NREL and the Asia LEDS Partnership
Location: Scendere III
This session will explore the technical aspects of expanding and scaling the renewable energy sector. Participants will hear from field experts about strategies for achieving high levels of renewable energy integration both globally and in developing countries. Speakers will highlight lessons learned, gaps and opportunities, and success stories based on their own experience in the field. Additionally, participants will engage in small group discussions on regional initiatives, key enabling conditions for RE integration, impactful international cooperation, and renewable energy modeling. Join us for an insightful analysis of strategies to enhance renewable energy deployment worldwide.
Expected Outcomes
- Gain a comprehensive understanding of effective strategies for integrating high levels of renewable energy on a global scale and within developing countries.
- Equip participants with practical tools and techniques to enhance the deployment and scaling of renewable energy projects by exploring technical, policy, and economic considerations.
- Learn valuable lessons, identify gaps, and recognize opportunities in the sector through success stories and case studies shared by knowledgeable practitioners.
- Delve into approaches for renewable energy modeling and planning tailored to specific country contexts.
- Develop actionable plans to increase renewable energy shares in their own regions and establish a network of peers for continued support and resource sharing beyond the GCAP conference
Speakers & Moderators
- Kenichi Kitamura, Program Officer, Mitigation, UNFCCC
- Marcelino Madrigal, Chief of the Energy Division, Inter-American Development Bank (IADB)
- Ha Dong Son, Director, Center for Energy and Green Growth Research, Vietnam
- Daniella Rough, Project Lead, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Asami Miketa, Head of Energy Transition Planning and Power Sector Transformation, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
- Esther Wang’ombe, Director Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Petroleum, Kenya
- Samet Sevket Bulut, Climate Change Specialist, Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Enhancing Energy Efficiency in NDCs
Organized by Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
Location: Scendere V
Energy efficiency is a powerful energy transition strategy, and the single largest measure to mitigate energy demand growth in aligning with net-zero by 2050 pathways. Across all sectors, efficiency measures can be implemented rapidly and cost-effectively. They deliver multiple benefits including faster and more affordable access to energy services, emission reductions, air quality, lower energy prices, economic productivity and green jobs. This session will emphasize the critical role of enhancing energy efficiency within NDCs. Participants will unpack specific opportunities such as efficient appliances and buildings, energy planning, demand flexibility, sustainable cooling, and efficient lifestyles. Learnings and recommendations from the group discussions provide a basic blueprint for countries and partners to continue working together to enhance ambition and implementation of energy efficiency actions through NDCs.
Expected outcomes
- Facilitate peer learning and the exchange of participants’ experiences on successful energy efficiency programs and best practices related to enhancing energy efficiency in NDCs.
- Equip participants with practical tools, techniques, and strategies that they can apply in their own context and across various sectors.
- Guide participants in addressing specific gaps, next steps, and necessary resources, to prioritize energy efficiency in specific sectors.
- Identify opportunities to collaborate with peers at bilateral, regional, global levels to mobilize additional training, peer learning and technical assistance to elevate energy efficiency in NDCs.
Speakers & Moderators
- Gabriela Prata, Head of Section Business Models and Finance, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
Meeting Road Transport Decarbonization Goals through Standards and Targets
Organized by the International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
Location: Ferrara I
Significantly decarbonizing road transport by 2050 will require a rapid global transition to zero-emission vehicles (ZEVs), along with other measures. More and more governments and manufacturers are committing to this transition, but meeting climate goals will require a broad expansion of such commitments, especially in the Global South. Policy is needed to turn these aspirations into reality and enable coordination among all stakeholders. This session will focus on the options governments have and how can they be successfully implemented in diverse countries to promote a rapid, cost-effective, and equitable transition. Participants will have an opportunity to exchange on global commitments and target setting; development of effective standards and regulations; and other policy approaches governments are successfully applying to spur the ZEV transition.
Expected outcomes
- Foster exchange of participants’ knowledge on experiences and insights, successful climate initiatives and best practices related to the decarbonization of the road transport sector through a peer learning environment to scale up effective policy approaches at the global, national, and subnational levels.
- Equip participants with practical tools, techniques, and strategies that they can apply in their own contexts. Through small group discussions, encourage participant exchange and build competence on key areas related to road transport decarbonization and accelerated transitions to zero-emission vehicles.
- Guide participants in developing actionable plans to implement what they’ve learned, focusing on next steps, necessary resources, achievable goals and a concrete plan for applying their new knowledge.
- Identify opportunities to collaborate with other peers (bilateral, regional, global) during and after the workshop and identify needs for additional training, peer learning and technical assistance to advance NDC/LTS goals.
Speakers & Moderators
- Timothy Dallmann, Director of International Partnerships, International Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT)
- Marcel Martin, Managing Director, ICCT Brazil
- Leandro de Oliveira Albuquerque, Special Advisor to the National Secretary for Energy Transition and Planning, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil
- Paula Vieira, Director General, Transport Canada
- Sebastian Galarza, Executive Director, Centro de Movilidad Sostenible
- Ricardo Garcia Coyne, Program Manager, Drive to Zero, CALSTART
- Lais Caldeira, Research Associate, CALSTART
- Urska Skirt, Mobility Manager, World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Achieving Climate Goals through Holistic Transport and Energy Decarbonization
Organized by REN21 and SLOCAT
Location: Adestra III
The transport sector is not on track to meet climate goals, currently responsible for 20% of global CO2 emissions. The transport and energy sectors are interdependent and can mutually reinforce their decarbonisation efforts. This solution-oriented session will explore the synergies between energy and transport for sustainable development. Participants will exchange best practices on approaches to decarbonising both sectors, focusing on renewables, energy efficiency, collaborative policy frameworks, and integrated planning. Representatives from government, business, civil society, and academia will explore guiding questions that foster mutual understanding and inspire strategic climate action among energy and transport actors. Attendees will gain actionable recommendations for policy integration and a just transition to a fossil-free, resilient, and equitable transport sector by 2050.
Expected outcomes
- Encourage the exchange of participants’ experiences and insights, successful energy/transport nexus initiatives and best practices related to cross-sectoral collaboration, fostering a peer learning environment to scale up holistic strategies for climate resilience.
- Equip participants with practical tools, techniques, and strategies that they can apply in their own contexts. Through dynamic exchange, help participants gain confidence and competence in advancing integrated and collaborative energy/transport policies and strategies.
- Guide participants in developing actionable plans to implement what they’ve learned, focusing on next steps, necessary resources, achievable goals and a concrete plan for applying their new knowledge.
- Identify opportunities to collaborate with other peers (bilateral, regional, global), particularly between the energy and transport sectors, during and after the workshop and identify needs for collaboration, peer learning and technical assistance to advance NDC/LTS goals.
Speakers & Moderators
- Rana Adib, Executive Director, REN21
- Philip Turner, Head of Sustainable Development, UITP & Director of Advocacy, SLOCAT
- Sanjini Nanayakkara, Project Manager – Research, GCAP/NREL
Low-Emission Roadmaps for Food and Agriculture: Global Strategies and Success Stories
Organized by Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Location: Adestra IV
Global food security is at stake! Join the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) in exploring strategies and actionable roadmaps for resilient, low-emission agrifood systems to ensure food security for all. This session will provide insights into global frameworks that emphasize coordinated climate action, such as the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture and the Sharm el Sheikh Joint Work on implementation of climate action on agriculture and food security and how climate finance initiatives like the FAST Partnership can support their implementation with a special focus on vulnerable groups. Participants will learn from practical, national examples like Costa Rica’s Long-Term Strategy (LTS). Additionally, best practices from Kenya will demonstrate how local innovations can drive progress in reducing agricultural emissions. This session aims to provide an open space for dialogue on gaps, challenges and opportunities.
Expected outcomes
- Learn about key global approaches to low-emission roadmaps in agriculture, including international frameworks like the Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) and the Sharm el Sheikh Joint Work on Implementation of Climate Action on Agriculture and food security.
- Understand the role and importance of climate finance in agrifood systems to implement climate priority actions and gain insights on how the participation in initiatives like the Food and Agriculture for Sustainable Transformation (FAST) Partnership can help increase the quality and quantity of climate finance.
- Exchange knowledge, experiences, and best practices among countries, encouraging collaboration and mutual learning in developing and implementing low-emission strategies.
- Join a space for dialogue and partnership, enabling participants to discuss challenges, gaps and opportunities in low-emission agriculture and identify potential areas for cross-country collaboration.
Speakers & Moderators
- Alina Gerke, Event and Outreach Specialist, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Fiona Bottigliero, Senior Communication Expert, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Jorge Vargas, Mitigation expert and LTS coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica
- Carolyn Opio, Livestock Development Officer, Subregional Office for Mesoamerica (FAO)
- Bernard Kimoro, Head, Climate Change and Livestock Sustainability, Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock Development, Kenya
Harnessing Clean Energy for Rural Transformation and Advancement of NDCs
Organized by the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet (GEAPP) and GCAP/NREL
Location: Ferrara III
Join us for an engaging session on harnessing energy to transform rural communities and support national commitments to Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). Discover how the productive use of energy (PUE) can drive economic growth, improve quality of life, bolster community resiliency, and enhance rural electrification programs. This session will equip you with strategies for implementing PUE projects that contribute to sustainable development and NDC goals. Expect interactive discussions, real-world case studies, and collaborative activities. You’ll leave with actionable insights and a network of like-minded professionals ready to drive change.
Expected outcomes
- Deep understanding of the importance of PUE in rural development and how they can support NDC commitments.
- Practical knowledge on implementing PUE projects.
- Innovative strategies and solutions tailored to rural contexts.
- Insights on how PUE supports sustained economic development and electrification.
- Connections with other professionals and experts in the field.
Speakers & Moderators
- Gabriela Gutierrez Morales, Manager of Partnerships for Latin America and the Caribbean, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet
- Makena Ireri, Director forDemand, Jobs, and Livelihoods, Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet
- Andrew Bilich, Project Lead, National Renewable Energy Laboratory
- Karina Araujo, Director of Energy Transitions, Ministry of Mines and Energy, Brazil
- Suliete Baré, Director of Climate Justice Department of the Secretariat of Environment and Indigenous Territorial Rights, Brazil’s Ministry of Indigenous People.
- Tony Susandy, Deputy Director for Various New and Renewable Energy, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Republic of Indonesia
**Portuguese <-> English consecutive translation will be available.
12:30 | Lunch Location: Grand Carimã Restaurant |
14:00 | LTS Clinic (organized by UNDP, NDC Partnership, UNFCCC, and 2050isNow) Location: Grand Ballroom This interactive deep dive on the LTS process will discuss alignment between LTS/NDC, just transition elements, and showcase lessons from around the world on LTS design and implementation. Session Objectives: Understand Key Building Blocks: Enhance participants’ understanding of critical elements in designing and implementing Long-Term Low Emission Development Strategies (LT-LEDS) and how this informs the near-term NDC actions and NDC update process Capacity Building through Collaborative Exercises: Develop participants’ practical skills and capacity by engaging them in a collaborative exercise. This will enable them to apply learned concepts in real-world scenarios, foster creative problem-solving, and build confidence in designing and implementing LT-LEDS. Knowledge Exchange: Facilitate sharing of diverse national approaches to LT-LEDS design and implementation, focusing on stakeholder engagement, finance, alignment with NDCs, alignment with SDGs and adaptation priorities, just transitions and technology. Networking: Foster connections among participants, with the opportunity to identify possible areas for collaboration across countries and regions. Speakers: – Ms. Sangji Lee, Global Technical Specialist on NDCs, Green Economy, and Just Transition, UNDP – Ms. Miriam Garcia, Senior Climate Policy Manager, World Resources Institute- Brasil, 2050isNow IKI Project – Mr. Felipe Gajardo León, Minister’s Assessor, Ministry of the Environment of Chile – Mr. Tapiwa J. Kamuruko, Climate Change Mitigation Officer, Ministry of Environment, Climate, and Wildlife, Zimbabwe – Mr. Julius Joubert, Senior Economist, Ministry of Finance, National Planning and Trade, Seychelles – Mr. Esteban Barrantes, Advisor, Ministry of Environment and Energy, Costa Rica **Portuguese <-> Spanish <-> French <-> English simultaneous translation will be available. |
16:00 | Coffee Break & marketplace Location: Grand Ballroom and Circulação Scendere |
16:30 | Country Action Planning and Sharing Key Takeaways Location: Grand Ballroom Together, participants will come together with others from their country to share lessons learned and determine key takeaways. |
17:30 | Close Location: Grand Ballroom |
19:00- 21:00 | Group Dinner (Pool Area) |
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