Case Study
Forest Community Youth and Climate Change Adaptation: An MTs PAKIS Experience
Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs) PAKIS is located in Pesawahan Hamlet, Gununglurah Village, on hilly with steep slopes of 400-900 meters above sea level, has high rainfall of up to 3000mm annually, and is upstream of several river basins. The community is an agrarian where most households work in the agricultural sector. The students of MTs PAKIS are the northernmost community group from Sambirata Village and Gununglurah Village, directly adjacent to the forest. Due to remoteness and no access to schools, many school-age children cannot afford an education. As a result, many school-age children are forced to work in the farm fields or are trapped in early marriages, continuing the cycle of poverty. Several environmental activists initiated a madrasa in collaboration with the Pesawahan Hamlet community in 2011 to enable children to access quality formal education through distance classes in partnership with existing formal madrasa in the district. So far, the madrasa has graduated nine batches of junior high school students. The educational philosophy is reflected in the school’s acronym: PAKIS as Piety, Achievement, Knowledge, Integrity, and Sincerity.
The objective of the MECCE program at MTs PAKIS is to identify how concepts and theories about environmental education, one of which is about climate change, have been applied by MTs PAKIS? In addition, the MECCE program activities at MTs PAKIS also aim to evaluate and assess the maps of environmental education and climate change activities that are being applied so that they are more meaningful and become a reference for planning future climate change education designs.
The case study of the climate change education taking place at the Madrasah Tsanawiyah showcases the ability of education and schooling to support children to become agents in developing and implementing solutions to climate change. Through education, student engagement, and traditional wisdom, students and the community are being empowered to develop strategic local solutions that are improving the climate resilience and resource sustainability of the community.