LEDS LAC Platform
Low Emissions Development Strategies (LEDS) in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC)
LEDS LAC, the Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP) platform for Latin America and the Caribbean, is a regional network driven by the countries of the region. Since 2012, LEDS LAC has been collaborating on the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and promoting resilient and low-emission development strategies, as well as bringing together representatives from governments and the private sector, non-governmental organizations, international cooperation organizations and academics working on the promotion and implementation of LEDS, facilitating the transition to a sustainable future in LAC.
Within the framework of LEDS LAC’s work, the Communities of Practice (CoP) are spaces that facilitate exchange, capacity building and collaboration among a group of people and organizations working on a common theme.
The six CoPs under LEDS LAC are: