Risky Business? Climate Change, Power Planning, and Resilience in Tanzania
Many countries face the challenge of strengthening and expanding electricity generation and infrastructure while incorporating climate resilience and greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction targets into long-term power planning. Increasingly, climate change impacts threaten investments in renewable energy, particularly hydropower, and thus compromise the ability of countries to meet their GHG reduction targets.
This paper provides a detailed case study of how the Integrated Resource and Resilience Planning (IRRP) framework was applied in Tanzania to help power sector planners assess the climate risks to the country’s primary renewable energy source—hydropower—given expanding electricity demand and the government’s commitment to reducing GHG emissions.
The RALI Series is a collection of papers developed by the RALI project to share examples of low emission development in practice. The series features case studies, tools, and innovative new approaches in this space, highlighting user benefits and lessons learned. To learn more about the RALI project, visit https://www.climatelinks.org/projects/rali.
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