
We are delighted to share with you the launch of the NDC Partnership economic Advisory Initiative.
The NDC Partnership, through its Economic Advisory Initiative, is responding to the urgent needs of countries to prepare green recovery plans and packages in response to COVID-19. The Economic Advisory Initiative is a direct response to country needs captured in a survey conducted by the Partnership in May 2020, which gathered input from 68 developing country members.
The Partnership is embedding economic advisors in the planning and finance ministries of 32 developing country members, with support from 14 of its members. A virtual Thematic Expert Group and a Green Recovery Network have also been established to enhance the economic advisory support and facilitate ongoing learning.
The Thematic Expert Group provides thematic backstopping and supplement the Initiative. This group provides on-demand technical advice, research, and/or guidance on specific sectors or themes related to climate adaptation and mitigation incorporated in recovery responses. This support helps align integration of economic recovery with a country’s NDC and other national climate change planning documents, including low-emission development strategies (LEDS) and/or long-term strategies (LTS). This advice is available, at no cost, to all developing country members of the NDC Partnership.
The LEDS GP is a key part of this thematic expert group and will offer technical support to the countries on integrated climate and recovery plans and actions. But also peer-learning and exchanges on good practices for green recovery via it’s regional communities of practice.
The launch of the thematic expert group took place on Sep 29.