LEDS Energy Communities of Practice: Areas for collaboration
The LEDS Energy Communities of Practice is a signature activity of LEDS GP’s Energy Working Group. The project supports the mission of the LEDS GP to assist countries around the world to design and implement successful climate compatible development strategies by creating a member driven practitioner network. Find out more about our work on LEDS Energy Communities of Practice here.
Formulating and implementing low emission development strategies for the energy sector is a complex process that requires integrated analysis of various technical, socioeconomic, financial, market, and political factors. In many countries, inadequate human and financial capacity constrains the development and implementation of long term strategies. International communities of practice can address these shortcomings by facilitating deeper technical collaboration and peer to peer learning on the design and implementation of specific energy sector low emission development strategies (LEDS).
A community of practice is a collection of individuals from a shared sector or working area who form a group to regularly engage in peer to peer learning to improve their personal and collective group knowledge. While no two communities are alike, they require a structure that permits fluid membership and that is not attached to a single individual, promoting forms of exchange both inside and outside of the formal channels of communication. Communities of practice are demand driven and evolve dynamically to meet their members’ needs.
Download the scoping paper for our LEDS Energy Communities of Practice here.
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