Regional Platforms

Regional Platforms


The Global Climate Action Partnership is active in various regions and countries around the world. Our three regional platforms are at the heart of the partnership. To learn more about their work in detail, visit their webpages.

African Climate Action Partnership (AfCAP)

With a broad membership from over 20 countries across Africa, AfCAP works towards a prosperous, climate-resilient Africa, with inclusive green growth, for the welfare of current and future generations. 

LEDS LAC (Latin America and the Caribbean)

From Chile to Mexico: The LEDS LAC platform is a network of about 1000 members, including organizations, individuals and governments working on the promotion of LEDS in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Asia LEDS Partnership

The geographic focus of the Asia LEDS Partnership includes countries within the sub-regions of East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, and the Pacific (including Australia and New Zealand).