Contact us
Become a member!
We are a community of climate thinkers, shakers and movers. Membership is open to organizations, individuals and governments working to promote climate action at the local, national, regional and global levels. You can become a member by filling out our membership form linked below.
By becoming a member of GCAP, you will join a vibrant network of leaders interested in collaborative and ambitious climate action, peer learning and innovation. It is easy to join GCAP and there is no cost to become a member. Once a member, your information will be shared with our Global and Regional Platforms, as well as Working Groups and ongoing Communities of Practice, according to your interests.

Write us an email!
If you want to reach out to us, we are happy to help or receive your feedback. Please find the email addresses of the Global Climate Action Partnership and the Regional Platform Secretariats below. If you want to learn about the Climate Helpdesk support please click here.
Global Secretariat: secretariat@globalclimateactionpartnership.org
Regional Platforms:
Asia LEDS Partnership: secretariat@asialedspartnership.org
Africa LEDS Partnership: africasecretariat@globalclimateactionpartnership.org
Latin America and the Caribbean LEDS Partnership: secretariat@ledslac.org
We are also active on social media, so please meet us there!
LEDS GP has been rebranded as the
Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP)
After a decade of advancing climate planning and implementation processes powered by collaboration and peer learning across brilliant members across the world, the LEDS GP was rebranded as the Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP). As part of this rebranding effort, we redefined our strategic approach to emphasize supporting country-driven implementation actions to achieve resilient, just, and inclusive low emission and net zero economies. GCAP will also strengthen the role that developing countries play in driving partnership priorities and programs, including the establishment of a developing country council of climate leaders.