
Environmental Impact and Sustainability Applied General Equilibrium model (ENVISAGE)

4pm, September 29th, 2015

Environmental Impact and Sustainability Applied General Equilibrium model (ENVISAGE) is a computable general equilibrium (CGE) model that assesses interactions between economies and the global environment as affected by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions.

The model is designed to analyze a variety of issues related to the economics of climate change, including:

  • baseline emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases,
  • impacts of climate change on the economy,
  • adaptation by economic agents to climate change,
  • greenhouse gas mitigation policies—taxes, caps and trade,
  • the role of land use in future emissions and mitigation, and
  • the distributional consequences of climate change impacts, adaptation and mitigation—at both the national and household level.

Key questions addressed:

  • How do changes in temperature effect economic variables such as agricultural yields or damages at sea level rise?
  • How do policies, such as cap and trade or taxes, mitigate the impacts of GHG emissions and atmospheric concentrations?

Sample data inputs:

  • Energy volumes and CO2 emissions from the Global Trade Analysis Project (GTAP) database

Sample quantitative outputs:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions
  • Economic impacts

Access the ENVISAGE tool.


ENVISAGE technical reference guide

Institutions Involved

  • The World Bank
Links for Resource