LEDS GP factsheet: The Africa LEDS Partnership
The Low-Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership (LEDS GP) is a partnership of more than 160 countries and international programs that enhances coordination, information exchange and cooperation to advance climate-resilient, low-emission growth. Its work is carried out by three regional platforms in Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean. These provide convening and coordination services across programs, countries and LEDS leaders in their respective regions.
The Africa LEDS Partnership has over 600 members (individuals and organizations) and is working towards a prosperous, climate-resilient Africa, with inclusive green growth, for the welfare of current and future generations. It aims to promote low-carbon, climate-resilient development to support poverty alleviation, job creation and environmental management in Africa. The objectives of the Africa LEDS Partnership are to:
- promote information exchange and coordination among LEDS programs and country institutions undertaking and supporting LEDS
- cultivate and support LEDS champions across Africa
- enhance the capacity for the design and implementation of LEDS in Africa.
Download the factsheet here to find out more about the activities of our Africa Partnership.