LEDS GP factsheet: The Global Partnership
Many countries around the world are designing and implementing low-emission development strategies (LEDS). These strategies seek to achieve social, economic and environmental development goals while reducing long-term greenhouse gas emissions and increasing resilience to climate change impacts. The LEDS Global Partnership (LEDS GP) harnesses the collective knowledge and resources of more than 160 countries, as well as international donor and technical organizations, to strengthen climate-resilient, low-emission development efforts around the world.
The LEDS GP delivers support through three vibrant regional platforms: the Africa LEDS Partnership (AfLP), the Asia LEDS Partnership (ALP) and the LEDS Latin America and Caribbean Regional Platform (LEDS LAC). Each regional platform defines country priorities that focus the LEDS GP’s efforts.
Global working groups and affiliated programs support the regional platforms. A steering committee provides guidance and sets the strategic direction for the LEDS GP. A global secretariat provides coordination, knowledge management and outreach.
Read more about the LEDS GP’s work here.
Institutions Involved
- Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership