LEDS GP factsheet: The Subnational Integration Working Group
The increase in climate initiatives by subnational governments and non-state actors is undoubtedly helping to realise much untapped greenhouse gas mitigation potential. However, there is still a unique opportunity to capture significant, additional mitigation value if climate initiatives are better coordinated and vertically integrated. Such coordination and integration not only increases the probability of achieving more ambitious Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs), it can also improve synergies with concurrent national development objectives and other multilateral agreements, such as the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals.
The Subnational Integration Working Group provides topical information and thought leadership and facilitates collaboration between national and subnational governments. This includes peer learning and exchange, producing case studies, disseminating best practices, hosting technical webinars and convening workshops at LEDS annual meetings, among other activities.
Across these, the Working Group highlights key opportunities, barriers and solutions. It encourages national
and subnational governments to consider how, through implementing more integrated approaches, they can better engage and support their cities and non-state actors to accelerate climate action, capture co-benefits and strengthen national and international commitments to sustainable development.
Read more about the Subnational Integration Working Group’s activities here.
Image credit: Asian Development Bank
Institutions Involved
- Low Emission Development Strategies Global Partnership