LEAF technical guidance series: Module C-CS: Calculations for estimating carbon stocks
This module describes the calculations necessary to estimate carbon stocks and their uncertainty, based on field data collected in a Terrestrial Carbon Monitoring System for REDD+. It provides the methods and procedures to calculate forest carbon stocks and their uncertainty for all potential carbon pools.
The following guidance provide the steps needed to convert field measurements into mean carbon stock estimates for various pools and for estimating net change in carbon stocks. Guidance is provided on calculation of the following components of data analysis:
- Statistical Measures
- Plot Analysis
- Carbon Stocks
- Wood Products
- Total stocks & total uncertainty
- Destructive Sampling
- Change in tree carbon stocks over time
Access the tool here: LEAF technical guidance series: Module C-CS: Calculations for estimating carbon stocks
Institutions Involved
- USAID Lowering Emissions in Asia's Forest (LEAF)
- Winrock International
- The Center for People and Forests (RECOFTC)
- SNV – Netherlands Development Organization and Climate Focus