African Climate Action Partnership
African Climate Action Partnership (AfCAP)
The African Climate Action Partnership (AfCAP), formerly known as the Africa LEDS Partnership (AfLP) brings together representatives from governments, civil society and the private sector working to advance low emission development strategies across the continent. It is one of the three regional platforms of GCAP. With a broad membership from over 40 countries across the continent, AfCAP works towards a prosperous, climate-resilient Africa, with inclusive green growth, for the welfare of current and future generations. It aims to promote low-carbon, climate-resilient development in support of poverty alleviation, job creation and environmental management in Africa.
The AfCAP Communities of Practice (CoPs) are interactive networks of practitioners working together on real-time policy, technical, and market solutions related to climate resilient and low emission development. A community of practice approach was favored over conventional knowledge-sharing networks that tend to engage in top-down development assistance. A community of practice comprises a network of engaged experts and practitioners from a shared sector or working area who form a group to regularly engage in peer-to-peer learning to improve their personal and collective group knowledge. They promote forms of exchange, both inside and outside of formal communication channels, and provide an inclusive, member-driven experience. The CoPs are supported by the working groups of the Global Climate Action Partnership (GCAP).
The AfCAP Communities of Practices consist of: