Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) Mitigation Option Tool
The CCAFS Mitigation Option Tool (CCAFS-MOT) estimates greenhouse gas emissions from various crops (e.g. barley, maize, sugar cane), crop groups (e.g. vegetables, legumes) and livestock production in different regions. By bringing together several different empirical models to estimate greenhouse gas emissions, CCAFS-MOT provides policy-makers across the globe with the reliable information needed to make informed decisions about emissions reductions within agriculture.
See a summary here.
Although a number of greenhouse gas calculators already exist, CCAFS-MOT is distinct because it:
- Ranks the most effective mitigation options for 34 different crops according to their mitigation potential, and in relation to current management practices and climate and soil characteristics.
- Has low input data requirements, it only takes approximately 5 minutes to input data.
- Runs in Excel.
- Is freely downloadable from the CCAFS website. Download the CCAFS-MOT tool here. This version of the tool was updated in November 2015.
The research team is committed to continually improving the tool based on the needs of its users. They are testing the tool with a variety of stakeholders and collaborating with other researchers to ensure that CCAFS-MOT provides decision-makers with accurate, relevant, and easy-to-use information.
You can access the tool here: Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security Mitigation Option Tool
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