Join us at our regional workshops around the globe
We’re delighted to share details from our Regional Platforms on their rapidly advancing plans to host regional workshops in Viet Nam, Rwanda and Panama during 2016. See below for further details on how to register and keep an eye on this page for future announcements.
Asia LEDS Partnership
Our Asia LEDS Partnership has announced two events convening LEDS leaders from across Asia for several days of regional exchange and action planning on mobilizing finance to support countries in implementing priority mitigation actions from 27th June to 1st July 2016. The Partnership will engage with members first at the Asia LEDS Forum 2016 in Viet Nam on Financing implementation of priority mitigation actions. This will be followed immediately by the Asia LEDS Partnership’s regional workshop, Mechanisms to catalyze finance for large scale, grid-connected clean energy in Asia, during which members can share experiences about how their countries can design and implement policy measures and financial mechanisms that can accelerate investment for large-scale, grid-connected projects.
See more information here.
Africa LEDS Partnership
Our Africa LEDS Partnership is pleased to invite you to participate in the third annual regional workshop taking place on the 27th June 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda. The workshop, which will precede the Africa Carbon Forum will bring together officials, practitioners and technical institutions from African countries for an interactive and member-driven event on How can Africa finance NDC implementation? where we hope to engage in peer-to-peer learning and collaborative planning around LEDS in Africa. Additionally, training on mini-grid integration will be offered during the Africa Carbon Forum.
For more information, see here.
Latin America and the Caribbean LEDS Partnership
Our Latin America and the Caribbean Partnership is excited to announce the dates for its 2016 regional workshop, Moving towards a resilient and low emission development: implementing the Paris Agreement. The workshop will be held during the Latin American and the Caribbean Climate Change Week in Panama City from 26th to 28th September 2016.