How can Africa finance NDC implementation?
Start: Monday 27 Jun 2016 0900
End: Monday 27 Jun 2016 1700
Location: Kigali, Rwanda
We are pleased to invite you to participate in the third annual regional workshop of the Africa LEDS Partnership (AfLP) taking place on the 27th June 2016 in Kigali, Rwanda. The partnership comprises individuals and organizations that are working together to build a prosperous and climate resilient Africa for the welfare of current and future generations.
The workshop, which will precede the Africa Carbon Forum will bring together officials, practitioners and technical institutions from African countries for an interactive and member-driven event, where we hope to engage in peer-to-peer learning and collaborative planning around LEDS in Africa. Additionally, training on mini-grid integration will be offered during the Africa Carbon Forum.
Given the outcome of COP21 in Paris which necessitates a focus on implementation of climate action, the theme of this year’s workshop will be ‘How can Africa finance NDC implementation?’ focussing on the two priority topics of the platform for this year: Financing LEDS/NDCs and, planning and implementing energy LEDS. In addition, and as a result of requests from members, there will be focused peer learning sessions on Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) as well as the opportunity to engage with the LEDS GP Working Groups. Participants are encouraged to bring their own stories and experiences in these areas to the workshop, together with their questions in order to share and learn together. Participants are expected to leave the event with new insights and strengthened knowledge on accessing finance for LEDS implementation and planning and implementing energy LEDS.
***Download the agenda here.***