African Mini-Grids Community of Practice (AMG CoP) Crash Course
The Africa LEDS Partnership (AfLP) hosted a crash course for members and non-members of the African Mini-Grids Community of Practice at the SunSquare Hotel, Cape Town on 13 September 2019. The crash course was delivered in collaboration with the LEDS GP Finance Working Group and NREL and took place on the fringe of the Global Climate Divest/Invest Summit.
The crash course brought together 21 participants from 13 countries comprising largely government officials, private sector representatives including the African Mini-Grid Developers Association (AMDA), and donor agencies.
The objective of the crash course was to focus on providing foundational knowledge on key aspects of the enabling environment for mini-grids to help new entrant countries evaluate, strategically plan and develop successful and sustainable mini-grid programs of their own.
Key topics covered included mini-grid market development and related programmatic, policy and regulatory issues from an institutional perspective.
Read the AfLP blog post for reflections on the crash course.
If you are interested in joining the African Mini-Grids Community of Practice or becoming a member, please contact
You may also be interested in the 2019/2020 AMG CoP work plan.
For further information on the AfLP including on how to become a member, please visit the Africa LEDS Partnership website
Photo: AfLP