Apply for our 2016 Fellowship Program
***Applications closed***
Are you a mid-career professional designing and overseeing low emission development strategies? Do you want to twin with a specific team or institution to advance a policy or project? If so, please do apply for our newly launched LEDS GP Fellowship Program, which supports the placement of practitioners within leading institutions to learn practical lessons that will be applied to low emission development strategies (LEDS) or NDCs in their home country.
We’re delighted to announce the launch of our fellowship program for individuals or teams of practitioners to be embedded with leading institutions to learn practical lessons that they can apply to low emission development strategies (LEDS) and/or NDC in their home countries.
The fellowship program aims to:
- build the capability of individuals and teams from the global South who are playing core roles in advancing LEDS in their national or subnational system
- progress specific LEDS and/or NDC policies or other actions through a short term personal interaction between peers working in a similar area
- create uptake of LEDS approaches and build experience of emerging LEDS leaders through personal experience
- establish ongoing relationships between developing country LEDS practitioners, across countries and with international technical institutes and development agencies
- build a cadre of fellows who can serve as expert advisors and trainers within their own country, and for other countries.
Fellowships will be awarded to individuals or groups of national or subnational government officials who play a significant role within LEDS development or implementation
They will take place between 29 August to 16 October 2016, at any point within that time frame. It is expected that fellowships will normally be around one month in duration. This is a pilot scheme, with an expanded program to be rolled out next year so we will be selecting one fellow for each the following regions: Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean and Asia.
***Applications closed***
For more information, including details on how to apply, please see here.
Image credit: Women involved in community meeting to discuss village reconstruction. Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Project: JRF. Photo: Nugroho Nurdikiawan Sunjoyo / World Bank