The Climate Action Accelerator is a global advisory network that provides rapid, high-quality, short-term technical assistance for developing countries.
Ad Hoc Support for Nationally Determined Contributions, Long-Term Strategies, and Transparency Systems
Do you need support in designing, implementing, or updating your Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC), Long-term Strategies (LTS), or transparency systems? The Climate Action Accelerator is available. The Climate Action Accelerator provides targeted technical assistance in matchmaking to developing countries, government agencies, and other members to advance ambitious climate action.
Supporting Local Needs and Driving Global Impact
The Climate Action Accelerator is a versatile program that can support a wide range of technical assistance activities, adaptable to each country’s individual needs. The Climate Action Accelerator fosters climate leadership by sharing lessons and successes with other countries through GCAP’s Communities of Practice (CoPs). The Climate Action Accelerator supports innovative approaches that can be replicated across regions and countries to accelerate climate solutions.
Submit Your Request Today!
The Climate Action Accelerator accepts requests from developing countries, government agencies, and technical or other institutions and organizations that are working directly with national governments to plan and implement their NDCs, LTS, or transparency systems.
To request support, please email us with the following information:
your information (name, organization, title, and country);
your preferred language of communication;
the request’s affiliation with any government entities (either directly submitted or endorsed); and,
details on what support you are looking to receive.
Tools for NDC/LTS updates and implementation such as for assessing baselines, goals, technology, policy options, pathways, and impacts
Strategies and measures for mobilizing private and public investment in NDC and LTS priorities
Methods and resources for linking national and subnational governments in the NDC and LTS planning and implementation processes
Policies and programs for implementing climate-resilient low-emission measures in energy; waste; agriculture, forestry, and other land use; and transport sectors
Alignment of NDCs and LTS
Review of greenhouse gas inventories for specific sectors
Preparation for the submission of the Biennial Update Report and the future Biennial Transparency Report
Establishing sustainable and robust transparency systems, including appropriate institutional arrangements
Climate Action Accelerator Impacts: Latin America and the Caribbean The Climate Action Accelerator service is a global advisory network that provides fast, high-quality, short-term technical…
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To learn more about this service (formerly called the Climate Helpdesk), please consult our brochure: