
LEDS LAC webinar: How to make green growth inclusive in Latin America and the Caribbean

This webinar aims to stimulate an in-depth discussion on how to leverage collective action towards inclusive green growth in Latin America and the Caribbean

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US Department of State funding opportunity: Low Emission Accelerator Partnership (LEAP)

The US Department of State has announced a new grant entitled “Low Emission Accelerator Partnership (LEAP)” to help developing countries overcome barriers to implementing Nationally…

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LEDS GP webinar: Low emission, climate resilient urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean

This webinar will discuss the experiences of ICLEI and the Interamerican Development Bank in transforming the urban environment with a climate compatible development model.

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CDKN webinar: Energy efficient electric motor systems: learning from Indonesia

This webinar will introduce listeners to the characteristics of energy efficient electric motor systems, their design and the savings that are possible from improved systems,…

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CTCN opportunity: Call for applicants for secondment programme

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is offering two rotating secondment positions to participate in the work of CTCN's Secretariat in Copenhagen, Denmark.

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LEDS GP Annual Event: Africa regional workshop

We are pleased to invite you to participate in the annual regional workshop of our Africa LEDS Partnership, where we hope to engage in peer-to-peer…

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