
COP 23 side event: Scaling-up private investment for NDC implementation

Join LEDS GP at COP23 for a side event on 'Scaling-up private investment and strengthening sector measures for NDC implementation', Bonn, 14 November 2017.

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Annual event: 2017 Africa LEDS Partnership regional workshop

Join the AfLP for its 4th annual event on the theme of 'Climate Change and Development in Africa: Unlocking LEDS implementation on the African continent'.

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Upcoming activities: 2017 Bioelectricity community of practice

LEDS LAC and LEDS GP Energy Working Group are delighted to announce activities for the 2017 Bioelectricity community of practice.

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LEDS EEP webinar series: Tools and methodologies for sustainable energy planning

Join the LEDS Europe and Eurasia Platform (LEDS EEP) for a webinar series on Tools and methodologies for municipal and regional sustainable energy planning.

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Annual event: 2017 LEDS LAC regional workshop

The 2017 LAC Regional Workshop focuses on the theme: Governance for a resilient and low emission development: linking actors, sectors and government levels.

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Africa Carbon Forum 2017

The 9th Africa Carbon Forum will focus on how engagement between State and non-State actors can be further strengthened in the key sectors for Africa…

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