
Event: Innovate 4 Climate

Innovate 4 Climate in Barcelona, Spain supports dialogue among government, multilateral, business, banking and finance leaders to assess innovation in climate finance and policy –…

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Mapping finance as a key tool for implementing NDCs: Lessons from Cote d’Ivoire

Join Climate Policy Initiative, and our Finance and AFOLU Working Groups for a webinar on aligning Cote d'Ivoire's investments with its climate commitments.

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Webinar: Planning for NDC Implementation – A Quick Start Guide

CDKN and Ricardo Energy & Environment warmly invite you to a webinar-based presentation and interactive virtual discussion.

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Webinar: Tools for monitoring national climate finance

The webinar will describe the opportunities and costs associated with the development of monitoring approaches for national climate change public finance.

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Webinar: Advances in monitoring and evaluating climate adaptation

Join LEDS LAC for a webinar highlighting the advances in the monitoring and evaluation of adaptation in climate change.

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Webinar: Identifying economic impacts of low emission development in Asia

Join the Benefits Working Group and the Asia LEDS Partnership for a webinar on the economic impacts of low emission development in Asia.

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