
LEDS GP webinar: Pioneering and scaling up solar energy in India

This webinar presents Gujarat State’s leadership in pioneering and scaling up solar energy in India, illustrating how subnational governments can proactively lead and inform national…

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LEDS GP webinar: From climate talks to climate action – Financing NDCs

In this webinar, Climate Policy Initiative will discuss the sources of finance for NDCs, the most effective policies and instruments to spur investments and how…

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LEDS LAC webinar: Tools for integrating mitigation and adaptation into the agriculture and forestry sector

This webinar, from our Latin America and the Caribbean Regional Platform (LEDS LAC), will present two tools to integrate mitigation and adaptation with development agendas.

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LEDS GP webinar: Gender mainstreaming in the energy sector: Applications in Madhya Pradesh, India

The webinar focuses on ENERGIA’s gender methodology, designed to ensure that both women and men benefit from energy projects and improved energy access.

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LEDS LAC webinar: How to make green growth inclusive in Latin America and the Caribbean

This webinar aims to stimulate an in-depth discussion on how to leverage collective action towards inclusive green growth in Latin America and the Caribbean

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US Department of State funding opportunity: Low Emission Accelerator Partnership (LEAP)

The US Department of State has announced a new grant entitled “Low Emission Accelerator Partnership (LEAP)” to help developing countries overcome barriers to implementing Nationally…

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