As 2023 comes to a close, we reflect on the immense impact that GCAP has had in the past year in accelerating global, resilient, low-emission development.
Guided by the Global Secretariat, the three Regional Platforms continue to implement programming that supports high-impact cross-sectoral and cross-thematic capacity building, peer-learning, and solution sharing. Through the Communities of Practice, stakeholders engage with expert knowledge and engage in community exchange on key regional priorities.
In 2023, GCAP:
Built the capacity of 60+ institutions to address clean energy and climate issues
Mobilized $1.3 million of funding for clean energy and climate initiatives
Trained 1800+ practitioners in clean energy topics
Launched 2 new Communities of Practice: AfCAP Rice Methane and LEDS LAC Methane
To further advance the formation, strengthening, implementation, and financing of NDCs and LTS, GCAP is proud to launch the Climate Action Accelerator. The Climate Action Accelerator provides technical assistance at no cost to countries seeking to create, improve, implement, or finance their NDCs and LTS.
GCAP’s Regional Platforms are the heart of our work.
Through the Communities of Practice, High-Ambition Leadership Groups, and Technical Working Groups, GCAP’s Regional Platforms impacted stakeholders around the world with targeted trainings, peer-to-peer learning, and technical assistance. Explore a snapshot of GCAP’s 2023 programming below
The Asia LEDS Partnership’s ASEAN-U.S. Workshop “Integrated Approaches to Scaling-Up Electric Mobility brought together government representatives, private sector stakeholders, and technical experts for three days of in-depth training in Bangkok, Thailand.
The workshop, held in partnership with other U.S. Government Agencies and ASEAN Centers, encouraged participants to reach out across sectors to collaborate and work together in reaching robust electric mobilities policies and implementation pathways.
Barbados has an aggressive target for renewable energy and the transition to a decarbonized economy. The grid is under technical pressure from the variability and generation assets being added to the grid. One of the best ways to mitigate that is the investment in storage.
– Kathyanne belle, Barbados Fair trading commission Participant in the RELAC Energy Storage Workshop Series
In the days leading up to Africa Climate Week, AfCAP hosted a workshop on the Long Term Low Emission and Climate Resilient Development Strategies Landscape in Africa.
Participants from across the continent gathered in Nairobi, Kenya, for two days of in-depth learning on long-term low emission development strategies (LT-LEDS). Together, the group evaluated the main challenges and opportunities for the deployment of LT-LEDS across Africa.
LEDS LAC Regional Event
In September, LEDS LAC hosted their regional event which brought together participants from across the LAC region in Lima, Peru for three days of programming focused on the implementation of LTS and NDCs.
AfCAP’s Africa Climate Week event on Promoting Food Security connected LTS and food security issues.In AfCAP’s second Africa Climate Week Event, they discussed how public and private sectors can work together to increase access to energy.
The Leadership Group for Clean Transport in Asia brought together governments from across Asia to collaborate on EV battery circularity.
Through the EV battery circularity training series, the leadership group is addressing one of the region’s key technical priority areas. The group will continue to explore technical priorities to improve the capacity of countries across Asia to deploy sustainable transportation policies and programs.
RELAC Boosts Energy Storage Capacities
Through the RELAC energy storage workshop series, practitioners from across LAC came together for technical trainings and support on energy storage. Participants created action plans for implementing energy storage in their countries’ respective contexts and are now receiving technical assistance to carry out those action plans.
The Asia LEDS Partnership is continuing to support the Philippines in advancing their clean energy goals.
Decarbonizing the Island of Palawan GCAP is providing continuing support to Palawan in the development of models to support Palawan’s decarbonization.
Support for EV Charging Infrastructure In partnership with the Clean Energy Ministerial’s Clean Energy Solutions Center, GCAP provided expert review of the Philippines’ EV policies regulations.
Energy Efficiency GCAP technical experts delivered an energy efficiency tool to the Philippines’ Department of Energy to evaluate the energy efficiency of government buildings
AfCAP’s Livestock Community of Practice held regional workshops for each African region to conduct training on sustainable livestock issues, determine common challenges and opportunities, and discuss the community’s programming for the upcoming year.
Thank you for a great year!
As we look forward to 2024, GCAP will build on the foundation set by 2023’s activities as well as increase opportunities to engage high-impact initiatives that accelerate resilient, inclusive, low emission development.
How to Get Involved?
Join our member network through the GCAP registration form linked below.
As you complete the GCAP registration form, indicate which Working Groups and Communities of Practice you would like to join.