Join the LEDS Global Partnership at COP 23, Bonn
Find here the latest LEDS GP resources for advancing NDC implementation, as well as a detailed list of LEDS-related side events at COP 23.
New resources
Guide to NDC finance
This Resource guide for NDC finance presents a curated selection of resources on a range of topics around finance for Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and low emission development strategies (LEDS). It is designed to help NDC and LEDS practitioners find high quality resources that meet their specific needs, avoiding time consuming web searching. It will be useful to individuals working on, or interested in, NDC and LEDS finance in both developed and developing countries.
LEDS Leadership Explorer
Our updated LEDS Leadership Explorer showcases how countries are integrating low emission action and NDC in their development plans. The LEDS GP expert working groups, regional platforms and secretariat have collected these examples of country leadership – and have provided links to where you can find out more information.
Access the LEDS Leadership Explorer here
Here is a full list of LEDS GP activities at COP 23, including the LEDS GP official side event, LEDS GP Regional Platform and Working Group events, and LEDS-related side events hosted by our members and partners. Please let us know if you plan to attend any of these events as we’re always looking to meet our members. Get in touch by emailing secretariat@globalclimateactionpartnership.org
Discover all of the LEDS-related events
Read about the official LEDS GP side-event
Photo: CIFOR/Flickr