Join the LEDS GP at COP21, Paris
See here for a FULL list of LEDS GP activities at COP21, including LEDS GP official side events; LEDS GP – regional platform & working group events; and, related LEDS side events hosted by LEDS GP members & partners.
Don’t miss our fantastic events program at COP21, Paris – all are free and open to delegates with a COP21 pass and we look forward to some lively discussion. Click on the links for specific venue information. All times are local times (France).
(1) Demonstration and hands-on trial: LEDS GP website
2.30-3pm, December 2nd, 2015
Join the LEDS GP’s communications team at the US Center technology corner (Le Bourget, Blue Zone, Hall 3) for a walk-through of the features of the new LEDS GP website. We want to know what you think about the website, how you are using it, and what else you’d like to see on there. Come and share your feedback!
5pm, December 3rd, 2015
The Ministry of Planning and Investment and Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam in collaboration with the LEDS Global Partnership would like to invite you to a side event that will highlight the various approaches and instruments countries are using to mobilize climate finance and meet their objectives in climate change mitigation and adaptation. The event will provide an opportunity for interactive discussions with Vietnam’s partners and an international audience on climate finance to advance LEDS and INDC implementation.
(3) The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Working Group at COP21
11:30am, December 6th, 2015
The Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU) Working Group will be participating in the following events at COP21 on 6 December as part of the Global Landscapes Forum. The Working Group has commissioned a paper that analyzes how AFOLU is included in INDCs and national development plans and strategies of selected countries in Asia (including Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Thailand and Vietnam) and how this compares with countries’ emission profiles.
(4) Africa LEDS Modelling and Planning – supporting transitions to inclusive low-carbon development
10am, December 9th, 2015
The Africa LEDS Platform (AfLP), as a key convener of low carbon stakeholders from civil society and beyond, is involved in a number of initiatives aiming to provide governments with the tools and information they need to be able to make these decisions, and is pleased to bring together a number of these for a topical and interesting discussion at COP-21. This event will focus on two particular modelling projects; a collaboration between the Africa LEDS Platform, the United Nations Environment Programme, the European Commission and the Mitigation Action Plans and Scenarios (MAPS) program, with expert speakers and extensive audience participation expected to lead to a stimulating discussion around the future of Africa’s development.
(5) Harnessing investment for low emission development and INDCs
1:15pm, December 10th, 2015
Achieving the ambitious goals countries have established in their low emission development strategies (LEDS) and intended nationally determined contributions (INDCs) requires mobilization of high levels of private and public investment.
This event held jointly by the LEDS Global Partnership and the National Council for Climate Change and Clean Development Mechanism of the Government of the Dominican Republic will highlight approaches and lessons learned.