LEDS GP Finance co-chair Announcement
We are proud to announce the nomination of Joanne Manda (UNDP), and Zaheer Fakir (department of Environmental Affairs , South Africa) as LEDS GP finance Working Group co-chairs.
Joanne Manda

Joanne is the Regional Advisor in UNDP Indonesia’s Innovative Finance Lab (IF Lab) and shares her time between the Indonesia country office and the Bangkok Regional Hub (BRH) where she provides technical advice on financing SDGs.
Joanne is passionate about fighting climate change and generating development results by leveraging innovative financing mechanisms.
She has been working in Asia and the Pacific for more than six years. Where she supported countries strenghten their planning and budgeting systems. And helped foster climate action through the implementation of public financial reforms.
Additionally , she supported countries with innovative financing solutions such as green bonds, and blended finance mechanisms . She possesses experience engaging the private sector in the impact investment space.
Joanne holds an MSc. Environment and Development from the University of London. She worked for 12 years as Livelihoods and Climate Change Advisor for DFID. And has developed programs on social protection, disaster management, urban poverty reduction and adaptation. With her focus areas being on Africa and South Asia. After which she joined the UNDP BRH in 2013.
She is a mother, wife and music enthusiast, who enjoys reading in her rare spare time!
Key message from Joanne Manda

Zaheer Fakir

Zaheer is an expert at the forefront of negotiations on major multilateral outcomes. Indeed, he been liaising with various foreign governments and international organizations .
He possesses more than 29 years of experience in international politics, negotiations, finance and development. He has extended experience in bilateral relations and multilateral international agreements.
In addition, he is a founding member and former Co-Chair and Board member of the Green Climate Fund (GCF). And has served as the African Operational Focal point for the Global Environment Facility and is a board member of the Climate Investment Funds.
Prior to that , he worked for the Department of Trade and Industry . Promoting among others, South African exports and assisting South African companies in developing international marketing strategies. Zaheer has a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Witwatersrand.
He brings to the working group , his skills and expertise in leadership, project management, public speaking, budgeting and finance, staff development, and communication.
Key message from Zaheer Fakir

We are very please to have both join the LEDS GP family! And look forward for their engagement with the finance working group.