LEDS GP Joins NDC Partnership’s PIN Initiative to Help NDC and Climate-Related Investment Projects Attract Financing From Members and Beyond
To support member countries, the NDC Partnership leverages technical and financial support from its institutional and development partners to mobilize both public and private finance for NDC implementation. As part of this support, NDC Partnership members and the NDC Partnership Support Unit are developing Project Information Notes (PINs), which contain an overview of NDC and climate-related investment projects, and their investment potential.
PINs promote and offer exposure to climate change projects aligned with countries’ NDC implementation plans, which are prepared with Partnership support. PINs expand on other available information, providing potentially interested financial institutions with the content they need to decide whether to pursue a given project.
PINs are designed to prevent duplication of efforts by multiple NDC funding mechanisms and make it easier for potential investors to identify and focus on projects that are a good fit for their portfolios. They can be developed by the Partnership’s Support Unit or by Partnership member institutions under the PIN initiative frame. Once developed, they are circulated to Partnership members and beyond and are actively promoted using a targeted strategy to attract financing from multiple sources, including the private sector. PINs are designed to be presented by governments to pitch projects in regional and international investment forums.
The PIN initiative is currently focused on more advanced projects (e.g., feasibility and pre-feasibility studies completed). However, the Partnership will also give exposure to climate project ideas and climate projects that are in their early stages. This will be done by circulating a Climate Project Sheet (CPS) with basic project information.
Recently, the LEDS Global Partnership joined the PIN initiative to help NDC and climate-related investment projects attract financing. LEDS GP offers regional communities of practice a global platform for broader peer-to-peer learning and to share knowledge resources and tools. In recent member consultations, LEDS GP members noted “access to finance” and “support developing pilot projects on the ground” as two key areas where they require additional assistance from the development community if they are to achieve more ambitious climate, social, and economic recovery goals.
Based on this input, the LEDS GP prioritized these topics as focal areas for enhanced collaboration with development finance, government, and other partners, which forms the basis for LEDS GP’s joining of the NDC Partnership’s PIN initiative. LEDS GP will cooperate under its Regional Accelerator for Agriculture, Climate, and Energy (RAACE) program.
LEDS GP will cooperate with the PIN initiative in three main areas. First, it will help prepare and provide technical inputs for PIN/Climate Project Sheets. Second, it will provide pre-feasibility support for project ideas and projects in the early stages. Third, it will provide regional or global learning and scaling activities. LEDS GP will use the PIN format, methodology, and processing, as described in the PIN Fact Sheet, to ensure consistency with the PINs prepared by the NDC Partnership Support Unit and other partners—and to enable more efficient consultations with the government and financial partners who are already familiar with the PIN initiative.
For additional information on this initiative, reach out to David Levy (David.Levy@ndcpartnership.org) or Felipe Gomez Villota (felipe.gomez@giz.de).