Looking ahead with the Energy Working Group
Our Energy Working Group is excited to share two important documents on their upcoming activities; their 2016 Work Plan and their LEDS Energy Communities of Practice scoping paper.
The LEDS GP Energy Working Group consists of nearly 500 energy experts worldwide. Many practitioners within national governments, multilateral institutions, nongovernmental organizations, and private companies have already benefited from its initiatives. The group’s work consists of core secretariat activities and signature knowledge projects, each of which have several components. The following activities are planned within the new allocation ($102,202) that is projected to support activities for 2016. Download our 2016 Work plan to find out more about our current and upcoming activities.
The LEDS Energy Communities of Practice is a signature activity of LEDS GP’s Energy Working Group. The project supports the mission of the LEDS GP to assist countries around the world to design and implement successful climate compatible development strategies by creating a member driven practitioner network. Find out more about our work on LEDS Energy Communities of Practice here.
Image credit: Dominic Sansoni / World Bank