Members discuss LEDS GP’s 2016 workplan
On Monday 11 January, 60 of you joined us online for a virtual debate about the LEDS GP 2016 workplan. Here’s a collection of the audience’s questions and the answers from the Secretariat and regional coordinators. Do you have more questions? Leave them in the comment box below.
(Missed the webinar? You can download the slides here.)
- What criteria will be applied for the Asia LEDS Partnership’s deepened support respecting energy planning and INDC/LEDS investment programs, and what criteria will be applied to select countries for the support?
Both for the energy planning and INDC/LEDS investment programs, the criteria for country selection includes 1) degree of engagement by the developing country governments with the LEDS GP; 2) stated interest in participating in the initiative; 3) their support for implementing their LEDS and INDCs and for advancing action on the specific topic; 4) their willingness to share lessons with other countries around the world. These efforts will build upon national priorities and engage local and national governments and other stakeholders as appropriate.
- Has any of the current research been integrated into these strategies? I was in a presentation last week with international energy economists discussing how LEDS was a luxury good in the housing market, given that only about 25% of the new housing construction in the US is adopting a LEDS energy measures
LEDS GP is a network of experts and practitioners that are progressing low-emission development strategies (or LEDS) in their particular sectors, countries and local authorities. They bring all the latest knowledge and experience to bear to supports members to create new, and strengthen existing LEDS. Our focus is principally within developing countries, but the network’s resources are open to all. LEDS can no longer be viewed as a luxury as they lie at the heart of long-term sustainability and human wellbeing. Economics has shown that the costs of inaction will be higher than those of taking action now, and decisively.
- What are the concrete measures to be implemented as a result of Paris?
The measures to be implemented vary from country to country according to what their plans expressed in their INDCs. LEDS GP is taking up strong efforts to deliver mutual support in both LEDS implementation, as well as the implementation of INDCs, which were welcomed at the Paris COP and will become NDCs as they are taken forward. The Partnership, specifically, will be looking closely at assisting countries in developing implementation policies and finance measures at national and local levels and sharing lessons with these policies and measures across countries.
- [Ms Trinh] makes a great point. It would be good to hear more about how INDC indicators will be linked to SDGs achievement, including achieving gender equality and achieving universal energy access. Can you share or elaborate further on this?
The emerging SDG framework and how this aligns with LEDS was a strong theme throughout the webinar. We heard about the need for advice and support in aligning indicators for both processes and helping to ensure coherence of action across the board. There are a wide range of SDG indicators that relate to green growth and LEDS, so this will be an important theme going forward.
- Energy efficiency and conservation forms an important part of LEDS; are there any specific programs in this sector for Asia (excluding transport sector)?
Indeed, energy efficiency is an important part of many countries’ INDCs. As part of the Asia LEDS Partnership activities in 2016, trainings and resources will be offered in energy planning which will include both renewable energy and energy efficiency. Further assistance will be provided to countries on demand through our Remote Expert Advisory on LEDS (REAL) service. We will also be running a webinar on mitigating air quality and climate impacts from the transport sector – sign up here.
- How will you concretely implement the LEDS University concept? When will launch the LEDS-EC (ALPM) project in Africa take place?
This exciting concept emerged through discussions in Paris. We are busy developing ideas and a basic first concept note for discussion. There are many opportunities, but a key one will be to identify which universities and technical institutions in each region are real front-runners in LEDS training and to identify priority topics for countries in each region for this sustained educational initiative. We welcome collaboration in design of this effort.
Missed the webinar? You can download the slides here.
Image credit: Asian Development Bank