Climate Finance Options Platform
The Climate Finance Options Platform aims provides comprehensive guidance on financial options available for climate action in developing countries.
Policy makers and project planners in developing countries at national and city levels need access to information on potential sources of climate finance, inspiring best practice examples, research results and tools for better investment decision making. The global climate finance gap demands increasing levels of financial flows along with coordination at a level previously unseen between those providing financial resources and those seeking those resources. Adding to this picture, there is a pressing need for up-to-date information on country projects and programs prepared in line with national priorities in countries seeking financing.
There is a growing menu of climate funds that can be used to catalyze other sources for integrated investments in climate-resilient and low-carbon solutions. Policy makers and project planners in developing countries at national and city levels need access to information on all aspects of climate finance.
The Climate Finance Options (CFO) Platform addresses that need by providing a window to such information. The web platform is the go-to site for information on climate finance. Within the framework of global negotiations on climate change, the UN Development Programme (UNDP) and the World Bank Group have jointly developed the web-based knowledge platform, which a number of UN agencies and multilateral development banks (MDBs) use as a joint conduit of information on investment finance. It is also building an interactive community of practice to share South-South experience and best practices in climate action for better development impact.
This Platform provides the following:
- A harmonized description of types of funds available, including (a) types of instruments, (b) eligibility criteria, (c) volume, (d) governance and administrative structures, (e) flows, etc.
- Examples of successful cases of blending different types of grant and concessional funds to leverage private sector financing, in addition to enabling environments conducive to climate action; all of which will be supplemented by examples provided by stakeholders through discussion forums of registered Platform users.
- Knowledge center, with a glossary of terminology, a library with related publications, and a wide range of tools to enable project developers to analyse their own projects for better-informed decisions.
- User community collaborative space for users to connect, share ideas, plan projects, and facilitate South-South networking.
Access the Climate Finance Options Platform.
Institutions Involved
- The World Bank and the UN Development Programme (UNDP)