Energy Recovery Council’s Waste-to-Energy website.
The website includes information on waste-to-energy basics (FAQ), and a database of US waste-to-energy plants. It is provided by the Energy Recovery Council, a national trade organization representing the waste-to-energy industry and communities that own waste-to-energy facilities.
Current Energy Recovery Council members own and operate 69 of the 86 modern waste-to-energy facilities that operate nationwide, safely disposing of municipal solid waste, while at the same time generating renewable electricity using modern combustion technology equipped with state-of-the-art emission control systems. These facilities have been recognized by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as a “clean, reliable, renewable source of energy” that produce “electricity with less environmental impact than almost any other source of electricity.” Energy Recovery Council members include Covanta, Wheelabrator Technologies Inc., and Green Conversion Systems LLC, as well as many local governments that are served by waste-to-energy plants and associate members that work in the municipal waste management and energy fields.
Access the website here: Energy Recovery Council’s Waste-to-Energy website.