LEDS GP Energy Toolkit 2.0: Leading instruments and methodologies for sustainable energy planning – webinar and related resources
This webinar serves as the formal rollout and launch of the LEDS Energy Working Group Energy Toolkit 2.0. The Toolkit is a collection of leading instruments and methodologies for sustainable energy planning. The webinar also provides an overview of two of the tools included in the Toolkit – the NREL Jobs and Economic Development Impact Model (JEDI) and the RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software.
The LEDS Energy Working Group has developed the LEDS Energy Working Group Energy Toolkit 2.0 to support sustainable energy planning for low emission development. While not a complete encyclopaedia of all available tools, the Toolkit aims to provide energy practitioners, policymakers, and experts with a quick reference guide to some of the best established instruments that are available at no or low cost. In addition to an overview of the Toolkit, this webinar features two profiles from tool designers and stewards newly featured in the Toolkit covering a wide range of desired outcomes.
Presenters include:
– Francisco Flores-Espino, presenting the NREL Jobs and Economic Development Impact Model (JEDI)
– Kevin Bourque, presenting the RETScreen Clean Energy Management Software
Watch the webinar below
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Photo: Asian Development Bank/Flickr
Institutions Involved
- Worldwatch Institute