Mini-grids for rural electrification and development: Webinar and related resources
In this webinar, senior experts provide an overview of the diverse mini-grids policy, regulatory and legislative environments in Central, Eastern, and Western Africa.
Based on renewable energy sources, mini-grids can help countries reach their overall development goals, energy-sector objectives, and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) under the Paris Agreement. However, despite their tremendous potential, uptake of mini-grids is slow, investment risks are high, and business models remain largely unproven.
In this webinar, project developers share their experiences working within various mini-grids markets. Participants discuss the innovative business models for developing, financing, owning, and managing mini-grids, as well as how governmental actions can address business barriers in licensing, tariff setting, connection costs and providing compensation for mini-grid businesses that are compromised by the arrival of the main grid.
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- Nico Peterschmidt (INENSUS): Mini-grid policy trends – Policy supporting sustainable operation of solar mini-grids
- Aaron Leopold (Africa Mini-Grids Developers Association): Policy measures for supporting mini-grids
- Mukabanji Mutanuka (Engie Power Corner): Power Corner business model, Tanzania case study, Power Corner Zambia and scale up
- Robert Cunningham (RVE.SOL/Kudura): Mini-grids business experience in Eastern Africa
- Caroline Nijland (Helios Infinitas): Mini-grids experiences in Western Africa
The list of webinar questions and answers are available here.
Find out more about the Africa Mini-Grids Community of Practice.
Photo: AfLP
Institutions Involved
- Africa Mini-Grids Developers Association
- Engie Power Corner
- RVE.SOL/Kudura
- Helios Infinitas