
Mitigating emissions using better quality fuel – webinar and related resources

3pm, May 10th, 2016

We’re pleased to share this webinar recording from our Transport Working Group‘s webinar on Mauritius’ experience of mitigating emissions from the transport sector, along with the presentation from the webinar and related resources.

This is the fourth webinar in a series entitled, ‘Supporting countries with implementing new vehicle emission fuel quality standards,’ brought to you by our Transport Working Group in partnership with the United Nations Environment Program and Clean Air Asia. The series included:

This webinar explores how, under the Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI), Mauritius implemented measures to bring down diesel with a sulphur content of 5000 ppm to less than 50 ppm, and introduced unleaded petrol in September 2002. Mauritius is also presently implementing the second phase of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative with the main objective of doubling the fuel efficiency and thereby mitigating emissions by half.

View the webinar below, or download the slides here: Mitigating emissions using better quality fuel.

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Below, we have collected the resources mentioned in, or related to, the webinar.


Fuel economy in Mauritius: Project brief about the Global Fuel Economy Initiative project in Mauritius.

Reforming the tax system to promote environmental objectives: An application to Mauritius: This paper takes the case study of Mauritius (a pioneer in the use of green taxes) to illustrate how existing taxes, especially on fuels and vehicles, could be reformed to better address these externalities.

Global Fuel Economy Initiative (GFEI) in Mauritius: A summary of the Global Fuel Economy Initiative project in Mauritius.

Dialogue of the South on clean air and sustainable mobility: Presentation from the Centre for Science and Environment, India, discussing clean air and sustainable mobility.

The economics of fuel economy standards: This paper discusses several rationales for the Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) program, including reduced oil dependence, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, and the possibility that fuel saving benefits from higher standards might exceed added vehicle costs.

Automobile fuel economy standards: This paper discusses fuel economy regulations in the United States and other countries.

Clean fuels and vehicles regulatory toolkit: This toolkit will assist developing and transitional countries to establish a systems approach to clean fuels and vehicles regulations.

Review on fuel economy standard and label for vehicle in selected ASEAN: This paper is a review on fuel economy standards and labels for vehicles in selected ASEAN countries such as Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam.

International best practice for emissions and fuel standards: This paper assesses the role that both vehicle emissions and fuel standards can play in moderating the projected increase in emission of pollutants from the road transport sector of ASEAN member countries by adopting international best practice as it currently stands.

Technology roadmap: Fuel economy of road vehicles: The primary purpose of this roadmap is to help establish a vision for vehicle fuel economy, promote specific targets, and outline key steps to achieve them. The roadmap also outlines roles for different stakeholders and describes how they can work together to reach common objectives.

Diesel fuels technical review: The subject of this review is diesel fuel and its performance, properties, refining, and testing.

Pamphlet on ecodriving: Downloadable pamphlet for public dissemination on ecodriving, a new driving culture which means smarter and more fuel efficient driving that reduces the emanation of pollutants.

Workshop reports and presentations

Mauritius proposes improvements in fuels and vehicles standards: Summary of a national workshop to present the analysis of the country’s vehicle fuel economy and policy recommendations to stakeholders, held in Mauritius on 27 November 2014.

Vehicle fuel efficiency programme launched in Mauritius: Summary of a national workshop coordinated by the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development of Mauritius on 22 and 23 July, 2013 to launch the Global Fuel Economy Initiative project.


Promoting cleaner fuels and vehicles for better air quality: This video is about the Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles, which supports developing countries in their efforts to improve fuel and vehicle technologies that reduce air pollution. The partnership builds on current trends and efforts in the development of fuel and vehicle technologies.

Global Fuel Economy Initiative’s 50 by 50 Campaign: This short film looks at improving vehicle efficiency to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Vehicle efficiency improvements could cap emissions from cars at current levels, even if kilometers driven double by 2050.

Lead phase out: This four-minute film looks at how air pollution is estimated to cause 800,000 deaths each year and costs the global economy 1billion dollars each year.

Air pollution taking heavy toll: This film looks at how air pollution has now become the biggest environmental cause of premature death, overtaking poor sanitation and a lack of clean drinking water.


UNEP and Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles (PCFV): Regulatory toolkit: This regulatory toolkit is part of that ongoing campaign and is meant to introduce the need for a systems approach to vehicle emission reduction. A systems approach matches fuels and vehicle improvements – to move towards tighter vehicle emissions regulations.


Diesel fuel sulphur levels: Global status April 2015: Map displaying countries’ status of their diesel fuel sulphur levels.

What is the climate impact of transport: This infographic ranks modes of transport from the point of view the environmental impact of travel.

Are we chasing the right vehicle in Delhi? This infographic breaks down the share of emissions from vehicles in Delhi, India.

The cost of air pollution: This infographic breaks down the cost of air pollution from road transport

For more information, please contact the Working Group:

Image credit: © Arne Hoel / The World Bank

Institutions Involved

  • Republic of Mauritius


Mr. D. Prithipaul, Mr. A. Allock and Mr. A. Juggurnath
Links for Resource