Virtual Peer Learning Summit | Addressing Climate Change Through Integrated Responses
Linking Adaptation and Mitigation
The National Adaptation Plan (NAP) Global Network and the LEDS Global Partnership, with assistance from the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH’s Support for the Implementation of the Paris Agreement project, jointly hosted learning and capacity development activities in three sessions to support countries in designing and applying integrated approaches in their adaptation, mitigation, and development agendas.

The peer learning summit brought together representatives from a number of countries that have undertaken first steps towards integrated planning approaches. The objectives of these sessions were to:
- Raise participants’ awareness and knowledge on the synergies and trade-offs of integrated adaptation, mitigation and sustainable development actions and how they may be addressed in planning processes.
- Facilitate exchange of experiences on designing and implementing integrated climate-resilient pathways, identify common challenges and lessons learned as well as potential tools for application.
- Co-create next steps that can be taken to strengthen strategies, planning processes and advance implementation of integrated climate strategies.
Through a facilitated exchange, participants had the opportunity to hear from experts and peers on designing and implementing integrated strategies, to learn from one another, and to reflect on their own processes. This enabled the identification of concrete next steps they can take to ensure that mitigation and adaptation planning processes are aligned and build on one another.
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Session 1: Frame the Issues
May 4, 2021
In this session, we heard from international experts and practitioners about the benefits, potential linkages, synergies, and trade-offs of integration.
Invited speakers:
- Catherine Gamper, Climate Change Adaptation Specialist, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development
- Crispin D’Auvergne, Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management Coordinator, Organization of the Eastern Caribbean States
- Cristina Rodriguez, Director of Adaptation to Climate Change and Desertification, Ministry of the Environment, Government of Peru
The key messages from this session can be found here.
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Session 2: Learn with Peers
May 18, 2021
For the second session, we looked at country examples of integrating mitigation and adaptation. Participants shared successes and challenges with peers in this practical peer learning workshop.
Invited speakers:
- Michael Hordofa Balcha, Senior Expert on Climate Change Mitigation, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Commission, Government of Ethiopia
- Una May Gordon, Principal Director of Climate Change, Government of Jamaica
- Fernando Camacho, General Director of Institutional Development and Promotion, National Commission of Natural Protected Areas, Government of Mexico
- Dana Yermolyonok, National Advisor, International Climate Initiative Projects, GIZ Kazakhstan, Government of Germany
The key messages from this session can be found here.
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Session 3: Move to Action
September 24, 2021
For this third session, participants had the opportunity to hear from experts on designing and implementing integrated strategies. This session, taking place during Climate Week NYC 2021, specifically looks at assessing trade-offs and synergies, as well as integrating adaptation into long-term planning strategies.
Panel speakers include:
- Neranda Maurice-George, Green Climate Fund
- Florian Eickhold, Factor – Ideas for Change
- Dana Yermolyonok, Programme Advisor, GIZ Kazakhstan
- George Wamukoya, Lead Negotiator on Agriculture, African Group of Negotiators Experts Support (AGNES)
- Diego Arguedas Ortiz, Climate Change Directorate, Government of Costa Rica
- Mikaela Rambali, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
The key messages from this session can be found here.
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Please find further information on the NAP Global Network website.