Transport Working Group

Working Groups

Transport Working Group

The Transport Working Group has been working since 2014 to build a global low-emission and resilient transport community, supporting champions and innovators, linking networks of low-emission transport experts, and exploring opportunities for collaboration at the local, national, regional and global levels.

Aligned with the objectives of GCAP, the Transport Working Group pays special attention to providing value to countries to: 

  • Assist in the implementation of low-carbon and resilient transport initiatives to address barriers and obstacles; 
  • Support national-subnational coordination for the effective implementation of transport nationally determined contributions (NDCs) at the local level; 
  • Improve the quality and ambition of NDCs, including transportation initiatives; 
  • Encourage more countries to incorporate transport in their NDCs. 

Priority Areas

Sustainable and resilient urban mobility
Decarbonization of passenger and freight transport
Electric mobility adoption 
Sustainable logistic strategies 
Green and socially inclusive economic recovery

How We Work

The Transport Working Group builds global and regional expertise in the decarboniation and electrification of transport. We focus on coordinating workshops, providing technical assistance, facilitating peer learning events, developing case studies, and producing guideline documents.  

The Working Group has launched four regional initiatives in the Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean regions. The three different transport Communities of Practice are spaces for members interested in a specific topic and region to regularly learn from peers, exchange knowledge, co-design solutions, receive technical assistance, connect with others, and pilot ideas. Communities of Practice are demand driven and evolve dynamically to meet their members’ needs.

Regional Initiatives and Communities of Practice

Electric Mobility

Coordinated by our LAC LEDS Partnership and focuses on:

Developing regulatory frameworks for the electrification of public transit fleets and broader electric mobility adoption. Facilitating coordination and peer to peer learning between regional clean mobility leaders, the public sector, and private sector.

Sustainable Logistics

Coordinated by our LAC LEDS Partnership and focuses on:

Decarbonizing freight transport through peer to peer learning, case study development, and technical assistance.

Clean Mobility

Coordinated by our Asia LEDS Partnership and focuses on:

Public transportation electrification and energy efficiency in transportation through policy, financing, and technical challenges.

Clean Mobility High Ambition Leadership Group

Coordinated by our Asia LEDS Partnership.

The Clean Mobility High Ambition Leadership Group is a highly specialized cohort of Asian transport ministries working together to create national transport decarbonization frameworks. The group hosts regional and multilateral exchange between transport ministries, ultimately leading to the implementation of integrated transport decarbonization frameworks.

How to Get Involved?

Join the Transport Working Group and Communities of Practice through the GCAP registration form linked below. By becoming a GCAP member, you will receive regular updates on events, activities, and opportunities related to GCAP and your Working Groups.

Contact with questions.

Coordinating Bodies

The Transport Working Group is guided by a team of international experts from the U.S. Department of Energy’s National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), with collaborative support from the regional platforms, Community of Practice coordinators (Asociación Sustentar, ICLEI, SLOCAT), and others.

Faces of the Transport Working Group

Ing., MUP, Carolina Chantrill 

LAC Transport Working Group and Community of Practice coordinator (Asociación Sustentar)

Anandhan Subramaniyam

Asia Transport Working Group and Community of Practice coordinator (ICLEI)

Sanjini Nanayakkara

Asia Transport Working Group coordinator (NREL)

The Latest from the Transport Working Group

Transport Working Group Events

Estimating greenhouse gas emissions in transport-oriented development projects

Join the LEDS LAC Platform for their webinar entitled 'Tool for estimating greenhouse gas emissions in transport-oriented development projects'

LEDS GP webinar: Knowledge solutions to combat climate change – the Climate Tagger

This webinar will introduce Climate Tagger, which aims to help organizations in the climate and development arenas streamline and catalogue their data.

CKB event: 2016 Climate Knowledge Brokers Workshop

Join us at the Climate Knowledge Brokers Group (CKB) workshop, which will gather the best climate knowledge brokers in the world to discuss tactics and…

LEDS LAC webinar: How to make green growth inclusive in Latin America and the Caribbean

This webinar aims to stimulate an in-depth discussion on how to leverage collective action towards inclusive green growth in Latin America and the Caribbean

LEDS GP webinar: Low emission, climate resilient urban development in Latin America and the Caribbean

This webinar will discuss the experiences of ICLEI and the Interamerican Development Bank in transforming the urban environment with a climate compatible development model.