Top Stories from LEDS LAC
Fostering Sustainable Recovery post-COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean
The Joint Event 2020 Climate Action in Times of Crisis: Fostering Sustainable Recovery post-COVID-19 in Latin America and the Caribbean took place from September to December 2020, joining the efforts of the LEDS LAC Regional Platform, EUROCLIMA+, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), amongst other partners.
More than 5,200 people participated in 34 different online activities focusing on three priority areas: 1) LTS and green recovery; 2) increased ambition of new NDCs; and 3) sectoral action focusing on resilient and low-emission transport and mobility.
Participants highlighted that climate long-term strategies must be developed based on scientific evidence and through a participatory process. They also realized that the contribution of non-state actors (private sector, academia, NGOs and youth) is particularly key, especially given that climate action is also a driver of economic recovery. The latter should be inspired by a transformative vision, fostering innovation and a circular economy, sustainable development and poverty reduction.
Current rates of inequality and vulnerability to climate change in the region make it necessary to align the social and climate agendas. In the context of a pandemic that reinforces existing inequalities, participants agreed that a just transition should emphasize equity and employment generation. This is the best way to achieving social acceptance, political support and financial resources for structural change.
For an effective climate governance in the region, three pillars should be enhanced: compatible information generation, regulatory framework and access to finance. A whole-society-approach is needed: Decarbonization targets should be integrated into decision-making, as well as policy and investment planning processes. However, participants pointed out that not only mitigation is necessary climate action. There is a need to be more ambitious when it comes to adaptation, as it is cost-effective. More efforts are needed in the generation of trustworthy metrics for tracking progress in adaptation.
The LAC region has great potential to decarbonize certain sectors such as transport. Currently, this sector is yet to unlock opportunities towards the use of renewables as main source for energy. Favoring pilot projects in the region, in transport or in other sectors, can be a driver for change when it comes to attracting investment and creating trust.

Please find more information here.
Where do Latin American and Caribbean countries stand in the NDC cycle?
NDC LAC is a dynamic and interactive digital tool that allows you to visualize information on the progress of the implementation and updating of NDCs in Latin America and the Caribbean. It compiles information from three different sources – analyzing current commitments and adding to the regional conversation on the response to the climate crisis. One of the sources included is the LEDS LAC Regional Platform’s report LEDSenLAC 2019.
NDC LAC is a joint initiative of EUROCLIMA+, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), the Avina Foundation, and LEDS LAC Regional Platform.
Please find more information here.