Announcement – call for training session proposals at our LAC workshop
The Regional Platform for Latin America and the Caribbean (LEDS LAC) of LEDS GP is a community of practice that brings together leaders in the area of low emission and climate resilient development in the region.
The V Regional LEDS LAC Workshop will take place from 26th to 28th of September 2016, in Panama City, Panama. The workshop will focus on the implementation of Paris Agreement to move towards resilient and low emission development in the region.
The LEDS LAC Platform is inviting applications for training sessions during the workshop. Interested organizations are requested to submit their applications through a short proposal note in the attached document. We currently have space in the agenda for three concurrent training sessions of 3 hours each, on the morning of Wednesday 28th September.
Proposals should be sent by July 15 to María José Gutiérrez from the LEDS LAC Secretariat at: mariajose.gutierrez@ledslac.org.
Download the proposal form here.