Wednesday, October 2nd

2024 Global Workshop Agenda

Wednesday, October 2nd

This day is focused on identifying actions that countries could take to raise ambition in countries’ NDCs and what is needed globally, regionally and nationally to enhance NDCs and align with Mission 1.5, LTS, and net zero long-term pathways.

Location: Grand Ballroom
8:30Official Welcome & Opening
Location: Grand Ballroom
Keynote Address:
Professor Tanara Lauschner, Undersecretary of Science and Technology for the Amazon, Brazil Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation
Context, Objectives, and Agenda of the Workshop
Participant Introduction Exercise
9:45Charting the Path Forward – More Equitable, Resilient, and Ambitious Climate Action through the NDC 3.0
Location: Grand Ballroom

This panel will highlight the need to accelerate implementation and raise NDC ambition aligned with long-term transformational plans set on countrie’s  LTS. Panelists will provide insights on the importance of whole of society approaches to ensure the NDCs and LTS are implementable and foster an equitable and resilient transition to net zero economies.

Moderator: Mr. Ron Benioff, GCAP Executive Director

Mr. Kenichi Kitamura, Program Officer, Mitigation, UNFCCC
Ms. Julianne Baker-Gallegos, Manager, Global Call for NDCs 3.0 & LT-LEDS, NDC Partnership
Ms. Sangji Lee, Global Technical Specialist on NDCs, Green Economy, and Just Transition, UNDP
Ms. Angela Enriquez, Foreign Affairs Officer, Clean Energy, Office of Global Change at U.S Department of State
10:15Break and Marketplace
Location: Grand Ballroom and Circulaçao Scendere
10:45Panel Discussion – Brazilian Case Study – Raising NDC Ambition Toward 2025 Updates and Mission 1.5
Location: Grand Ballroom

This panel will showcase Brazil’s leadership on NDC ambition raising in the run up to the 2025 updates, the perspectives and roles of different stakeholders in achieving this and how the different actions in the country are working together towards this goal.
Moderator: Hajar Yagkoubi, UN Youth Representative

Mr. Osvaldo Luiz Leal de Moraes, Director of Climate and Sustainability Department, National Secretary of Policies and Strategic Programs of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Brazil
– Mr. Adriano Santhiago de Oliveira, Casa Civil
– Mr. Roberto Schaeffer, Full Professor of Energy Economics, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro
– Ms. Juliana Borges de Lima Falcão, Manager for Climate and Energy, Confederation of National Industry (CNI), Brazil (TBC)
Participatory Exercise: Table discussions or other method to be defined.
Location: Grand Carimã Restaurant
13:30Parallel Sessions

Strengthening Vertical Integration to Enhance the Investability of NDC 3.0

Organized by: NDC Partnership and the Asian Development Bank

Location: Sendere V

This session is designed to explore opportunities and identify potential bottlenecks that may impact the effective vertical integration and investability of NDC 3.0. Utilizing a World Café format, the session will facilitate dynamic and intimate discussions between national and subnational government officials and development partners. The focus will be on addressing key Routes to Ambitious and Implementable NDCs such as outlined in the NDC 3.0 Navigator such as supporting subnational governments’ access to finance, improving understanding of investment needs, evaluating sources of climate finance, fostering enabling environments, and boosting the investability of NDCs. The session also aims at exploring how Ministries of Finance and Planning and the private sector can contribute to strengthening vertical integration.

Expected outcomes

  • Participants share insights and challenges from past initiatives to improve the vertical integration and investability of NDCs.
  • Implementing and development partners acquire a deeper understanding of national requirements for enhancing the vertical integration and investability of NDC 3.0.
  • Countries discover support options available from partners and strategies to boost the investability of NDC 3.0 and mobilize funding for its implementation.

Long-Term Energy Planning Linked with NDC Short-Term Action

Organized by: The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

Location: Scendere III

This session will focus on long-term energy planning to help inform NDC ambition raising and LTS.  Participants can expect to learn about different planning tools, lessons learned, regional assessments and gap analyses, and strategies to link long-term planning to concrete targets and near-term action.  We will hear from different countries, regions, and international cooperation organizations, to learn about what is working, what is missing, and identify strategies and next steps to prioritize as we get closer to setting and publishing our next round of higher ambition climate targets. Come join us for a dynamic dialogue to learn from success, and seek innovative solutions to help bridge the near- and long-term strategy gap! 

Expected outcomes

  • Participants of this session will gain insights into the status and recommendations from strengthening alignment between energy and climate planning.
  • Participants will learn leave with practical experiences and lessons from other participants on how they are contributing to global targets on a national scale.

Pathways to 2030: Accelerating Fossil-Free Transport Systems

Organized by Asociación Sustentar and the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLOCAT)
(on behalf of the GCAP Transport Working Group)

Location: Ferrara I


Join us for a collaborative session designed to support countries in enhancing their transport decarbonization strategies for the next round of NDCs. In addition to touching on the elements of electrification, this session will focus on the essential Avoid-Shift measures needed to complement e-mobility and create resilient, low-carbon transport systems. Participants will engage in peer exchange and gain practical insights on balanced approaches to sustainable mobility to scale up effective strategies to review and fulfill global commitments.

Expected outcomes

  • Enhanced understanding of transport decarbonisation. 
  • Practical tools, strategies and actionable plans  for the next NDC updates. 
  • Peer learning and exchange of best practices, and opportunities for collaboration and support.

Developing Scalable and Bankable Electric Bus Programs

Organized by the International Finance Corporation (IFC)

Location: Ferrara III


This session will address the key elements needed to develop scalable and bankable electric bus programs to assist countries with meeting their transportation NDC goals. Participants will engage with the IFC’s electric bus toolkit to understand possible frameworks for electric bus programs. In small groups, they will dive into key themes needed to ensure the development of robust programs including regulations, structuring, contracting, financing, technology, and operations. The session will end by applying the framework to two cases: Chile and India.

Strengthening GHG Inventories to Support Evidence-based Climate Action in Agriculture

Organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC

Location: Scendere II


With more than 80 percent of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) including the agriculture sector, it is vital that robust greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories are developed to inform GHG targets, policies and actions in the agricultural sector. This session will describe how GHG inventories enhance and measure progress against NDC targets, aligning long-term strategies (LTS), and contributing to global action initiatives, while increasing food security. Tools and opportunities for countries to strengthen capacity in the agriculture sector will be presented. Participants will engage in discussions on what is important to support GHG inventories in developing countries, including sharing experiences that show promise and lessons learned, and develop a way forward.

Expected outcomes

  • Increased awareness of the importance of developing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories in the Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use, and Other (AFOLU) sectors. 
  • Information sharing on the latest scientific findings practical tools, techniques, and strategies that can strengthen GHG inventories and measure progress toward local, regional, and international climate goals.
  • Identification of needs for additional training, peer learning and technical assistance to advance NDC/LTS goals with a specific focus on GHG inventories.
  • Identification of opportunities to collaborate with other peers (bilateral, regional, global) during and after the workshop to foster international collaboration and promote standardized methods and protocols in GHG inventories.

Nature Based Solutions for More Sustainable Lands and Water

Organized by the Fundación Bariloche

Location: Scendere I

Session description forthcoming

15:30Coffee Break and Marketplace
Location: Grand Ballroom and Circulaçao Scendere
16:00Country Action Planning and Sharing of Key Takeaways
Location: Grand Ballroom

Overview of the session

Reflection in Country Teams or Sector Teams

Closing Remarks
Location: Grand Ballroom
18:30-21:00Group Dinner & Climate Award