2024 Global Workshop Agenda
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Global Workshop
Wednesday, October 2nd
GCAP Global Workshop – Together Towards Mission 1.5: Enabling Local Action to Drive Global Change
Day 1: Raising Ambition
This day is focused on identifying actions that countries could take to raise ambition in countries’ NDCs and what is needed globally, regionally and nationally to enhance NDCs and align with Mission 1.5, LTS, and net zero long-term pathways.
8:00 | Registration Location: Grand Ballroom |
8:30 | Official Welcome & Opening Location: Grand Ballroom Keynote Address: Professor Tanara Lauschner, Undersecretary of Science and Technology for the Amazon, Brazil Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation GCAP Overview: Mr. Ron Benioff, GCAP Executive Director Ms. Soumya Chaturvedula, Asia LEDS Partnership Ms. Vicky Vilariño, LEDS LAC Platform Mr. Roy Bouwer, African Climate Action Partnership Context, Objectives, and Agenda of the Workshop Participant Introduction Exercise **Portuguese <-> Spanish <-> French <-> English simultaneous translation will be available. |
9:45 | Charting the Path Forward – More Equitable, Resilient, and Ambitious Climate Action through the NDC 3.0 Location: Grand Ballroom This panel will highlight the need to accelerate implementation and raise NDC ambition aligned with long-term transformational visions set in countries’ LTS. Panelists will provide insights on the importance of whole of society approaches to ensure the NDCs and LTS are implementable and foster an equitable and resilient transition to net zero economies. Moderator: Mr. Francisco Maciel, GCAP Steering Committee Co-Chair Speakers: – Mr. Kenichi Kitamura, Program Officer, Mitigation, UNFCCC – Ms. Julianne Baker-Gallegos, Manager, Global Call for NDCs 3.0 & LT-LEDS, NDC Partnership – Ms. Sangji Lee, Global Technical Specialist on NDCs, Green Economy, and Just Transition, UNDP – Ms. Angela Enriquez, Foreign Affairs Officer, Clean Energy, Office of Global Change at U.S Department of State **Portuguese <-> Spanish <-> French <-> English simultaneous translation will be available. |
10:15 | Coffee Break and Marketplace Location: Grand Ballroom and Circulaçao Scendere |
10:45 | Panel Discussion – Brazilian Case Study – Raising NDC Ambition Toward 2025 Updates and Mission 1.5 Location: Grand Ballroom This panel will showcase Brazil’s leadership on NDC ambition raising in the run up to the 2025 updates and COP30 and the perspectives and roles of different stakeholders in achieving these ambitious goals. Moderator: Ms. Hajar Yagkoubi, UN Youth Representative Speakers: – Ms. Tanara Lauschner, Undersecretary of Science and Technology for the Amazon, Brazil Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovation – Mr. André Lucena, Associate Professor at the Energy Planning Program of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro – Mr. Bruno Brasil, Director of Sustainable Production and Irrigation at the Ministry of Agriculture, Brazil – Ms. Suliete Baré, Director of Climate Justice, Department of the Secretariat of Environment and Indigenous Territorial Rights, Brazil’s Ministry of Indigenous People. Participatory Exercise **Portuguese <-> Spanish <-> French <-> English simultaneous translation will be available. |
12:00 | Lunch Location: Grand Carimã Restaurant |
13:30 | Parallel Sessions |
Strengthening Vertical Integration to Enhance the Investability of NDC 3.0
Organized by: NDC Partnership and the Asian Development Bank
Location: Sendere V
Improving access to climate finance is crucial for raising ambition and successfully implementing NDC 3.0, through inclusive All-Of-Government and All-Of-Society approaches. However, many developing countries struggle with limited resources, inadequate capacities, competing priorities, and weak governance integration, which hinder their ability to promote vertical integration for NDC implementation. Similarly, subnational stakeholders face challenges such as restricted access to funds, credit issues, budget constraints, and project-specific obstacles.
To support countries in their journey to update their NDC 3.0, including strengthening vertical integration to enhance NDC investability, the NDC Partnership introduced the NDC 3.0 Navigator. This tool offers pathways for developing ambitious and feasible NDCs while identifying key support opportunities for countries. Key strategies in the NDC 3.0 Navigator include unlocking financial resources, aligning with the Climate Investment Planning and Mobilization Framework, and engaging local and regional governments. These efforts are aligned with ongoing collaborations between the NDC Partnership and the Asian Development Bank to bolster both national and subnational governments’ capabilities for accessing climate finance.
This session is designed to explore opportunities and identify potential bottlenecks that may impact the effective vertical integration and investability of NDC 3.0. Utilizing a World Café format, the session will facilitate dynamic and intimate discussions between national and subnational government officials and development partners. The focus will be on addressing key Routes to Ambitious and Implementable NDCs such as outlined in the NDC 3.0 Navigator such as supporting subnational governments’ access to finance, improving understanding of investment needs, evaluating sources of climate finance, fostering enabling environments, and boosting the investability of NDCs. The session also aims at exploring how Ministries of Finance and Planning and the private sector can contribute to strengthening vertical integration.
Expected outcomes
- Participants share insights and challenges from past initiatives to improve the vertical integration and investability of NDCs.
- Implementing and development partners acquire a deeper understanding of national requirements for enhancing the vertical integration and investability of NDC 3.0.
- Countries discover support options available from partners and strategies to boost the investability of NDC 3.0 and mobilize funding for its implementation.
Speakers & Moderators
- Adrián Flores, Climate Finance Associate, NDC Partnership Support Unit
- Samet Sevket Bulut, Climate Change Specialist at the Asian Development Bank (ADB)
- Reshma Ram, Biennial Update Report (BUR) National Coordinator, Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, Fiji
- Andy Deacon, Co-Managing Director, Global Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy
- Jerome E. Ilagan, Chief, Policy Research and Development Division, Climate Change Office, Climate Change Commission, Republic of the Philippines
Long-Term Energy Planning Linked with NDC Short-Term Action
Organized by: The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
Location: Scendere III
This session will focus on long-term energy planning to help inform NDC ambition raising and LTS. Participants can expect to learn about different planning tools, lessons learned, regional assessments and gap analyses, and strategies to link long-term planning to concrete targets and near-term action. We will hear from different countries, regions, and international cooperation organizations, to learn about what is working, what is missing, and identify strategies and next steps to prioritize as we get closer to setting and publishing our next round of higher ambition climate targets. Come join us for a dynamic dialogue to learn from success, and seek innovative solutions to help bridge the near- and long-term strategy gap!
Expected outcomes
- Participants of this session will gain insights into the status and recommendations from strengthening alignment between energy and climate planning.
- Participants will learn leave with practical experiences and lessons from other participants on how they are contributing to global targets on a national scale
Speakers & Moderators
- Asami Miketa, Head of Energy Transition Planning and Power Sector Transformation, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
- Daniella Rough, Project Lead, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)
- Alexander Perera, Deputy Director, Global Energy, World Resources Institute (WRI)
- Kenichi Kitamura, Program Officer, Mitigation, UNFCCC
- Florencia Mitchell, Climate Policy Specialist, Asociación Sustentar
- Rosilena Lindo, former Secretary of Energy, Panamá
- Rana Adib, Executive Director, REN21
Pathways to 2030: Accelerating Fossil-Free Transport Systems
Organized by Asociación Sustentar and the Partnership on Sustainable Low Carbon Transport (SLOCAT)
(on behalf of the GCAP Transport Working Group)
Location: Ferrara I
Join us for a collaborative session designed to support countries in raising NDC ambition in the transport sector. Using the “Enable-Avoid-Shift-Improve” framework, we will focus on measures and strategies to enhance fossil-free transport systems. In delving into the “Enable” aspect, we will address topics such as governance, financial mechanisms, and MRV systems. Participants will engage in peer exchanges and discussions on these topics, gaining insights to strengthen national policies and fulfil global commitments. The session will also showcase best practices and strategies for scaling up ambition in transport decarbonization by highlighting the Transport High Ambition Groups in Asia and Latin America.
Expected outcomes
- Enhanced understanding of transport decarbonisation.
- Practical tools, strategies and actionable plans for the next NDC updates.
- Peer learning and exchange of best practices, and opportunities for collaboration and support.
Speakers & Moderators
- Carolina Chantrill, Sustainable Mobility Work Group Manager in Asociación Sustentar, Co-Chair in LEDS LAC Platform, GCAP Transport Working Group
- Philip Turner, Director of Global Advocacy and Engagement, SLOCAT, GCAP Transport Working Group
- Emani Kumar, Executive Director, Asia LEDS Partnership/ICLEI South Asia
- Lisset Ramirez, Field Engineer for Electromobility at Metrobús, Mexico DF
Green Skills Development for Urban Mobility
Organized by GIZ-Brasil
Location: Ferrara III
The breakout session covers the topic “Green skills development for urban mobility” with a focus on experiences from Brazil. It brings together specialists and partners from the fields of skills development, as well as urban practitioners. It will explore the opportunities and challenges for a net-zero future through locally emission free technology, and the skills, management solutions, and governance required to achieve a just mobility future.
**Portuguese <-> English consecutive translation will be available.
Strengthening GHG Inventories to Support Evidence-based Climate Action in Agriculture
Organized by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre (NZAGRC)
Location: Scendere II
With more than 80 percent of Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) including the agriculture sector, it is vital that robust greenhouse gas (GHG) inventories are developed to inform GHG targets, policies and actions in the agricultural sector. This session will describe how GHG inventories enhance and measure progress against NDC targets, aligning long-term strategies (LTS), and contributing to global action initiatives, while increasing food security. Tools and opportunities for countries to strengthen capacity in the agriculture sector will be presented. Participants will engage in discussions on what is important to support GHG inventories in developing countries, including sharing experiences that show promise and lessons learned, and develop a way forward.
Expected outcomes
- Increased awareness of the importance of developing Greenhouse Gas (GHG) inventories in the Agriculture, Forestry, Land Use, and Other (AFOLU) sectors.
- Information sharing on the latest scientific findings practical tools, techniques, and strategies that can strengthen GHG inventories and measure progress toward local, regional, and international climate goals.
- Identification of needs for additional training, peer learning and technical assistance to advance NDC/LTS goals with a specific focus on GHG inventories.
- Identification of opportunities to collaborate with other peers (bilateral, regional, global) during and after the workshop to foster international collaboration and promote standardized methods and protocols in GHG inventories.
Speakers & Moderators
- Alina Gerke, Event and Outreach Specialist, Germany, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
- Nicolás Costa, Agronomist, Uruguay, New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries in support of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA)
- Walter Svinurai, Lecturer, University of Zimbabwe
- Eduarda Zoghbi, Climate and Energy Specialist, Climate Investment Funds
Nature Based Solutions for More Sustainable Lands and Water
Organized by the Fundación Bariloche
Location: Scendere I
This session will explore the diversity of Nature-Based Solutions (NbS). Participants will have the opportunity to reflect on and share various NbS approaches used in policy-making. While the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA 5.2/EA 5) defines NbS as measures that protect, conserve, restore, and sustainably manage terrestrial, freshwater, coastal, and marine ecosystems to address social, economic, and environmental challenges, NbS is often considered an umbrella term. This session will explore how the broad range of approaches under NbS can be harmonized to ensure shared goals at planning and implementation levels.
Expected outcomes
- Share country experiences: Representatives from different countries will discuss the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating NbS into policy frameworks. The discussion will highlight co-benefits not only for climate action but also for achieving other Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as biodiversity conservation and sustainable water management.
- Identify implementation challenges: The session will address challenges in deploying NbS as policy tools for both mitigation and adaptation in diverse contexts, including forests, urban settings, and coastal areas.
- Examine financing options: Participants will reflect on financing mechanisms for scaling up the deployment of NbS.
- Foster collaboration: An open dialogue will provide a platform for diverse stakeholders to identify opportunities for collaboration across borders and sectors, enhancing the global impact of NbS.
Speakers & Moderators
- Camila Bertranou, Researcher for Environment and Development, Fundación Bariloche
- Ricardo Ribeiro de Castro Solar, Professor, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil
- Gabriela Prata, Head of Section Business Models and Finance, UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre
- Bruno dos Santos Alves Figueiredo Brasil, Director of the Department of Sustainable Production and Irrigation, Ministry of Agriculture, Brazil
- Susheel Chandra Acharya, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources, and Irrigation, Nepal
- Gustavo Mora, Project Analyst Engineer, Municipality of Curridabat, Costa Rica (tbc)
15:30 | Coffee Break and Marketplace Location: Grand Ballroom and Circulaçao Scendere |
16:00 | Country Action Planning and Sharing of Key Takeaways Location: Grand Ballroom Overview of the session Reflection in Country Teams Closing Remarks |
17:30 | Close Location: Grand Ballroom |
19:00-21:00 | Group Dinner & Climate Award Ceremony (Ivyra Restaurant) |
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