Case Study

Integrating Adaptation Monitoring and Reporting Into Extisting Information Systems in Morocco

12am, November 23rd, 2018
Morocco, Middle East and North Africa

The main objective of Morocco’s comprehensive Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) system for adaptation is to provide the country’s various regions with an easily accessible instrument to control, analyze and visualize climate-related data and actions. More specifically, Morocco’s M&E system pursues three objectives: i) monitor & evaluate the vulnerability of key sectors; ii) support the monitoring of adaptation actions and provide input for their improvement; iii) collect and systematize successful experiences.

Morocco’s M&E system is a good practice case because it is science-based, it has been developed through a broad and participatory consultation process and it is financially viable. Overall, the M&E system is well aligned with decision-making structures.

Key Impact

INCREASED AWARENESS AND IMPROVED KNOWLEDGE BASIS: The development of climate change impacts and causality chains and the data collection enhanced the regions’ knowledge of the vulnerabilities of various sectors (e.g. agriculture, water resources, biodiversity) to the impacts of climate change. Moreover, taking stock of existing M&E systems provided Morocco with a better understanding of needs of the target regions, which helps to improve policy developments.

INTEGRATION OF ADAPTATION M&E SYSTEM INTO THE REGIONAL INFORMATION SYSTEM ON ENVIRONMENT AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT (SIREDD): The M&E system was integrated into existing data infrastructure (GIZ & OREDD, 2014), thus allowing for swift and cost effective implementation.

Institutions Involved

GOVERNMENT AGENCIES: Office of the Secretariat of State to the Ministry for Energy, Mining and Sustainable Development responsible for Sustainable Development; Regional Observatory of the Environment and Sustainable Development (OREDD in French acronym) of Souss-Massa, Marrakech-Tensift-Al Haouz, and Beni Mellal Khenifra; Climate Change Committee; High Commission for Waters and Forests and the Fight against Desertification (HCEFLCD in French Acronym); Agency of the Hydraulic Basin, Agriculture, Waters and Forests and Tourism.

IMPLEMENTATION PARTNER: Deutsche Gesellschaft für International Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

OTHER INSTITUTIONS: National Observatory of the Environment of Morocco (ONEM in French acronym); Regional Directorate of Water and Forests (DREF in French acronym); National Agency for the Development of Oasis and Arganeraei Zones (ANDZOA in French acronym); Agricultural Development Agency (ADA in French acronym); Regional Networks for the Exchange of Environmental Information (RREIE in French acronym); Regional Councils; “Wilayas”; NGOs and Economic interest groups (GIE in French acronym); research institutions.

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)