Case Study

Coordinating institutions for LEDS and NAMA development

12am, October 03rd, 2018
Indonesia, East Asia and Pacific

Building on its 2009 pledge to reduce national GHG emissions (by 26% in 2020) and a subsequent climate change action plan published in 2011, Indonesia has made substantial progress in strengthening its capacity and institutional framework for delivering effective climate change mitigation. A key part of this institutional architecture is the Climate Change National Coordination Team (CCNCT) which is a body established under the State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS).

The CCNT has joint responsibility for developing and detailing national and provincial level GHG mitigation action plans (effectively the Indonesia LEDS) and supporting the development and coordination of NAMAs. This joint role, implemented by a national planning ministry, is demonstrating important synergies and benefits including the integration of the LEDS within broader national development planning processes and the integration of NAMAs as the key mechanism for achieving the countries’ mitigation pledges and implementing its LEDS.

The CCNT is also strengthening coordination between and within line ministries on NAMA development to ensure priorities and national criteria are respected and is enabling more coherent communication of Indonesia’s NAMA development as a whole.

Key Impact

  • Building mitigation capacity: There have been a number of distinct capacity related impacts from the establishment of the CCNCT, the CCTCN secretariat (and its predecessor the RAN-GRK secretariat) and the development of the RAN/RAD-GRK. These include an increased level of awareness amongst government stakeholders (at different levels of governance) of the need to develop mitigation actions in order to achieve Indonesia’s climate pledges; and extensive use of the NAMA terminology (and associated aspects such as MER/MRV) amongst line ministries in order to describe these actions. More specific impacts related to the tasks of the CCNCT secretariat include the following:
    • Integration of efforts on analysis and estimates of mitigation effort: for example, training of provinces and provision of templates for developing mitigation actions within their RAD-GRK, as well as verification of submitted NAMAs from line ministries;
    • Strengthening inter-linkages on international MRV requirements: with domestic MER with the Ministry of Environment;
    • Coordination with Indonesian finance institutions: on their potential roles in financing NAMAs;
    • Providing a central point of contact on NAMAs: as well as a clear liaison between BAPPENAS and DNPI as the focal point for the UNFCCC (i.e. linking international negotiations with domestic developments);
    • Increasing engagement: enabling broader collaboration through involvement in consultation and outreach processes (e.g. PPP, private sector engagement, university networks, NGOs);
    • Encouraging NAMA analysis on broader aspects: for example social, environmental and economic aspects, by setting national criteria for NAMAs
    • Central control of NAMA development activities: in order to try and harmonise this bottom up process with the top-down assessment that was presented in the RAN-GRK.
  • National budget assigned: It is difficult to directly assign mitigation impacts to the implementation of the RAN-GRK to date. However, there has been a dedicated national budget line for funding RAN-GRK activities for the last few years, most of which is assigned to. Indicative calculations show that these activities are already contributing to Indonesia’s mitigation targets but that more will need to be done if these are to be achieved in 2020 (MoF, 2012).

Institutions Involved

  • CCNCT secretariat (established under BAPPENAS)
  • Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS)
  • National Council for Climate Change (DNPI), a cross-ministerial council chaired by the President with high-level responsibility for climate change issues domestically and internationally
  • Ministry of Environment (MoE)
  • Indonesia Climate Change Trust Fund (financing channel for grant support); Line ministry representatives associated with the CCNCT
  • Presidential Unit for Monitoring and Control (UKP4)

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)