Case Study

Promoting Induction Cooking in Ecuador

12am, October 01st, 2018
Ecuador, Latin America and Caribbean

Since 2007, Ecuador has been working on strategies to improve energy efficiency, mainly in the residential sector. In 2014, Ecuador started implementing the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Substitution Programme (PEC) 1 that contains, as a central component, the introduction of induction cookers across the country.

The PEC is closely aligned with Ecuador’s development plans and objectives, aiming at reducing its dependence on imported and subsidised fuels, and increasing the share of renewable energy in the matrix. As such, it forms part of a comprehensive and coherent package of fiscal, development and energy policies that combine long-term planning for hydropower with a strategy to phase out LPG subsidies, and the elaboration of market based mechanisms to promote private investment. The GHG mitigation potential of the programme has led Ecuador to consider it as a NAMA.

Main features of the PEC include high level political commitment that supports the initiative in a holistic and integrated manner as well as strong involvement of key ministries across all sectors. The elaboration of a sound, multi-criteria socio-economic analysis and an effective communications strategy were also central factors for the success of this programme.

Key Impact

Development of renewable energy sources: Right now, only 15% of Ecuador’s national renewable energy potential is being exploited. The change of the energy matrix targets the development of hydroelectric power from eight new hydroelectric plants that are expected to double the current generation, thus shifting the national energy matrix towards a more sustainable and climate-friendly energy production. Against this background, the substitution of LPG cookers through the use of induction stoves contributes to the transformational aspect as renewable energy is mainly used for electricity generation.

Mitigation benefits. The programme is expected to reduce 2.58 million tCO 2 eq of emissions yearly until 2025. Complementary programmes for hydropower development, power optimisation and energy efficiency are expected to lead to an additional reduction of 14.63 million tCO 2 eq and 1.83 million tCO 2 e, respectively, also by 2025 (Ministry of Environment 2015).

Reducing energy vulnerability. The programme is expected to promote the modernisation of the electricity infrastructure and enhance the operative efficiency as well as a reduction of LPG dependency.

Generation of energy savings. Efficiency also means energy savings, as energy demand is reduced at the household level. Induction cooking is a more efficient process to heat food as it uses magnetism, avoiding unnecessary energy loss.

Generation of budget savings. The implementation of both the induction cooking programme and the transformation of the energy matrix towards renewable energies could represent annual savings for the public purse between US $ 1,167.2 million and US $1,401.2 million (Muñoz 2013).

Capacity building. The PEC has allowed different stakeholders to become familiar with issues such as climate change and other socio-economic impacts.

Local industry promotion and job creation. This new technology will enable to create jobs as the national companies are being encouraged to promote this industry through institutional arrangements.

Institutions Involved

  • Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy, promoting and leading the PEC.
  • Ministry of Industry and Productivity, for the activities related to the production and commercialisation of locally-produced induction stoves.
  • Ministry of Environment, for the technical component of the PEC in terms of GHG mitigation and climate change.
  • Ministry of Hydrocarbons for issues related to LPG consumption.

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)