Case Study

Web-based GHG Management System of the Republic of Korea

12am, September 28th, 2018
South Korea, East Asia and Pacific

The step-wise evolution of the GHG and Energy Target Management System (TMS) of the Republic of Korea, launched in 2010, has grown to cover 840 industrial installations, otherwise known as controlled entities (CEs). In 2013, the TMS instituted a web-based GHG Management System (NGMS) based on a common reporting framework that includes provisions for built-in verification, independent third party verification, public disclosure of data submitted by CEs and generation of time series analysis and reports.

The reporting system follows a robust annual work cycle beginning with the designation of the CEs, target setting, submission of implementation plans, verification of implementation plans and implementation reporting. The annual cycle not only facilitates monitoring, reporting and verification (MRV) and continuous expansion of coverage, but also supports the preparations of national communications and biennial update reports (BURs). The National GHG Management System is considered a good practice since it has established a system for regular tracking of GHG emissions from an increasing number of emission points with a quality assurance process through independent expert verification, which enhances and harmonises the updating of GHG inventories and timely reporting to the UNFCCC.

Key Impact

Latest data on GHG and energy consumption: Korea has set-up a strong platform to collect up-to-date and verified data for GHG emissions and energy consumption of selected industry installations on an annual basis. Since the coverage of TMS is gradually increasing, over time the country will be able to generate country level data with increasing accuracy.

National capacities: The process of establishing and implementing a web-based MRV system has enabled Korea to keep track not only of GHG emissions but also of options available for mitigation and of changing barriers faced by industry. It has also strengthened capacities of the companies to identify and implement options for GHG mitigation and energy saving through monitoring implementation and their impacts.

Emission Trading System (ETS) is made possible: The TMS regulation led to total emission reductions of 21.3 million tonnes of CO 2 eq in 2012, equalling 3.78% of the total emission projections. This reduction was 2.7 times the 2012 national reduction target of 7.95 million tonnes of CO 2 eq. A total of 372 CEs surpassed their reduction targets, amounting to 30.05 million tonnes of CO 2 eq. This excess of the reduction target can be used as reduction credits under the South Korean ETS that starts in 2015. The credits produced through the excess reductions correspond to less than 3% of total allocated allowances. South Korea had already attempted to establish an ETS in 2009, but faced resistance from the industry. The TMS has made the ETS possible and acceptable.

Informed dialogue between government and private sector: The annual cycle of MRV, along with verified implementation reports, facilitate negotiations between controlling ministries and the CEOs of CEs. This has built the basis for more cooperation and trust among the key actors for GHG reduction and energy conservation.

Improved coordination among various government departments: The implementation of the annual MRV system involves regular meetings between the Ministry of Environment, Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Centre of Korea (GIR) and relevant government departments.

Institutions Involved

  • Ministry of Environment: overall oversight, sets standards and guidelines, certification of verifiers, controlling department for the waste sector
  • Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Affairs: controlling department for the food sector
  • Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy: controlling department for the industry sector
  • Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport: controlling department for the transport sector
  • Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Research Centre of Korea (GIR): publishes guidelines for MRV, manages data and registry, research and analysis to implement the process through the annual cycle
  • National Institute of Environmental Research: research, analysis and training

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)