Case Study

An integrated MRV system in South Africa

12am, September 27th, 2018
South Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa

South Africa is among the leaders in its development of a comprehensive MRV system that is integrated into national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) processes, tuned to international Measuring, Reporting and Verification (MRV) requirements. The monitoring encompasses the whole of MRV process, and the evaluation component provides “continuous assessment and feedback” to the monitoring system. Besides covering climate change mitigation and adaptation, the system also includes M&E of all atmospheric emissions (such as PM, NOx, SOx, etc.) through a web-based platform called the National Atmospheric Emissions Inventory System (NAEIS). This integration aims at enabling the federal, provincial and local governments to track progress on the transition towards a climate-resilient and lower-carbon economy and society (NCCRP 2011). The system will also help to update the National Climate Change Response Database (NCCRD), which was developed in 2009, and formalise key data reporting mechanisms through participatory technical working groups.

The system is considered good practice as it establishes the regular tracking of GHG emissions across a wide range of sectors and is in line with the international BUR requirements for MRV.

Key Impact

Revival of the NCCRD: The NCCRD was dormant during 2010-12. It was upgraded in 2013 and now maintains a growing project database on mitigation and adaptation.

More Systematic Collection of Data: South Africa now is heading towards a more systematically organised data system. Through structured reporting procedures, it is reducing double counting as well as improving data alignment across sources so that similar and consistent info is available at all data sources.

Capacity building: The new regulatory framework for data collection requires accreditation by the South African National Accreditation System (SANAS). These, and other new verification requirements, have created significant potential to increase the number of skilled experts and develop capacities at the national level.

Basis for Future MRV System: The evolution of MRV initiatives taken by the government provides a sound basis for a coordinated system in the future. It facilitated the updating of the national GHG inventory for the first Biennial Update Report (BUR), which was submitted in 2014.

Institutions Involved

National Departments

These include various line ministries, which collect and report sector-specific data, such as Department of Energy (DoE), Department of Transport (DoT), Economic Development Department (EDD), Department of Mineral Resources (DMR), Department of Trade and Industry (DTI), Department of Science and Technology (DST), National Treasury (NT), Department of Public Enterprises (DPE), Department of Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries (DAFF), etc. It may also be noted that each line ministry reports to the Pre sidency on a quarterly basis at ministerial level.

Department of Environmental Affairs

The Dept. of Environmental Affairs is the nodal agency that reports climate data to the Dept. of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation in the Presidency. The former is tasked with collecting and integrating information on climate change implementation across government departments.

Statistics South Africa

Stats SA is the agency that coordinates institutional arrangements between the South African private sector, the various line ministries, local governments, civil society and other research organisations.

  • Research institutions
  • Local government units
  • Civil society organisations

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)