Case Study

Designing a vertically-integrated, transit orientated development NAMA

12am, October 02nd, 2018
Colombia, Latin America and Caribbean

In Colombia, the transport sector is the fastest-growing source of greenhouse gas emissions and urban areas increasingly suffer from traffic congestion and road safety concerns. The Colombian Transit Oriented Development (TOD) NAMA aims to address these issues by demonstrating how integrating urban planning and transport development in a city can reduce traffic growth by 25–36%, while improving air quality and living conditions.

Through this NAMA, the Colombian government aims to promote a more holistic approach to transport planning, with better coordination of land-use and transport systems, and their integration with social housing policy. This integration between different government agendas aims to promote public and private investment that will be channelled into pilot projects across a range of locations and interventions. Thus the project aims to promote better-designed, walkable, transit-oriented neighbourhoods and contribute to reducing household transportation costs, improving access to jobs and services, and enhancing social inclusion in the area.

A key part of the design of this NAMA includes the vertical integration between national and subnational policies and it is estimated that if fully implemented, it has the potential to reduce annual greenhouse gas emissions by between 3.6 and 5.5 MtCO2e by 2040.

Key Impact

  • Improved understanding of TOD and its potential as a LEDS: Developed by key actors from ministries of Transport and Housing through specialised knowledge that was promoted by CCAP in the form of training, conferences and site visits.
  • Identification of local projects with TOD potential in major cities: Through visiting local authorities and listening to them suggest catalytic projects that could be supported by the NAMA and which already have the commitment of local authorities. This was important in order to ensure the participation of local authorities.
  • Involvement of key actors from private planners, local and national authorities: By showing the benefits of TOD and identifying potential TOD projects, these actors were encouraged to participate in the design of a TOD NAMA.
  • Inspiring further action: As a pioneer NAMA in Colombia it serves as a successful case of low emission development that is expected to motivate other sectors and signal that LEDS and NAMA have real possibilities for implementation, for international support and to contribute to the country’s development. It also offers lessons on associated institutional, legal and financial challenges.

Institutions Involved

  • Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
  • Ministry of Transport
  • Ministry of Housing, Cities and Territory
  • National Planning Department
  • Local Authorities

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)