Case Study

Developing an INDC Aligning National and Sectoral Policy Objectives

12am, October 01st, 2018
Morocco, Middle East and North Africa

The development of Morocco’s INDC was based on a comprehensive technical and political process involving key stakeholders in the country. The INDC builds on the National Strategy for Sustainable Development (NSSD) as well as several other national and sectoral strategies, including the Moroccan Solar Plan, the National Energy Strategy, the National Strategy to Combat Global Warming, and the Green Morocco Investment Plan. As such, it is well integrated into national policy planning and processes and reflects the country’s long term development objectives.

The INDC process was conducted in parallel with the preparation of the Third National Communication (TNC), and benefited from the detailed analyses conducted under this process. The analysis to inform the design of the INDC was thorough, engaged participation and input from all relevant ministries, and wasvalid ated by their sectorial experts. This resulted in a high level of acceptance and confidence amongst stakeholders and high level decision makers. In turn, high level political leadership, culminating in a national INDC conference chaired by the Head of Government, successfully drove the inter-ministerial development of the INDC and allowed Morocco to submit its INDC in early June as the first Arab and second African country to do so.

The thorough and inclusive INDC preparation process translated into a well-presented INDC, including transparent explanations of the targets and underlying activities, as well as information on the resource and implementation provisions.

Key Impact

INDC process put climate change on the agenda: through the direct involvement of several ministries in the INDC process, the climate change topic was promoted across government and was recognised as a priority issue.

Mobilisation of stakeholders: the participation in the national conference mobilised key stakeholders to support the INDC process and paved the way for successful implementation of activities.

Increased level of political engagement: the INDC was seen as a national priority and process of high international relevance, in particular in light of Morocco’s future COP presidency. The INDC itself put Morocco on the map of ambitious countries in the wider international community.

Increased push for adaptation: Adaptation actions are currently not well coordinated across government. The INDC provided additional impetus to government institutions, building on the compilation done for the Third National Communication, to drive the development of adaptation plans and strategies including completion of the on-going National Adaptation Plan (NAP).

Well positioned to access support: the clear strategy and plans on how the targets will be implemented, as well as the clear definition of support needs, puts Morocco in a good position to access international support.

Expected co-benefits: the sustainable development benefits associated with the implementation of the activities proposed in the INDC are expected to be significant. This includes in particular job creation and increased energy security.

Pushing ongoing energy sector transformation: The INDC process and other parallel climate change mitigation processes have given rise and momentum to a transformation of the energy sector, chiefly through the underlying target of a significant increase in renewable energy capacity and the phasing out of fossil fuel subsidies, which was made possible through extensive consultation and cooperation with the Ministry of Energy.

Institutions Involved

  • National ministries: Ministry of Energy, Mines, Water and Environment (MEMEE), Ministry of Agriculture,
  • Ministry of Industry, Ministry of Finance, etc.
  • National Parliament
  • Civil society and private sector stakeholders
  • Moroccan Competence Centre for Climate Change (4C Maroc)

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)