Case Study

GenderCC’s Gender and Climate-Resilient Communities Initiative

12am, December 01st, 2023

This case study examines GenderCC’s GCRCI project through the lends of gender and locally led adaptation (LLA):

Location: South Africa

Years active: 2019–May 2022

Key agricultural climate risks: Drought, erratic weather, and decreasing natural resources

Gender-responsive LLA activities: Women-led cooperatives, women codesigning community climate actions and climate-smart enterprises, collaborative decision-making that includes women and other vulnerable groups, flexible programming, adaptive project management

Gender outcomes: Increased women’s involvement in leadership roles and influence in decision-making process, reduced workload for women through increased availability of sustainable water and energy resources

Adaptation outcomes: Increased climate resilience, reduced climate vulnerability of grassroots communities

Source Details

World Resources Institute (WRI)
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