Case Study

Paving the way for success: a comprehensive participatory process for NDC implementation in Peru

12am, January 09th, 2019
Peru, Latin America and Caribbean

In Peru, a multi-sectoral working group has been established as a key part of the country’s model to implement the Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC). The NDC Multi-Sectoral Working Group (GTM-NDC, for its acronym in Spanish: Grupo de Trabajo Multisectorial) was officially formed early 2017and consists of 13 ministries and the National Centre of Strategic Planning (CEPLAN). Its main goal is to prepare the NDC Implementation Road Map, following a multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder process.

In order to advance the development of sectoral implementation roadmaps, a team of dedicated specialists provided by the Ministry of Environment (MINAM for its acronym in Spanish: Ministerio del Ambiente) through the support of international cooperation worked directly in the offices of key sectoral entities. This task force has been in charge of providing technical assistance for the elaboration of the roadmaps, taking in consideration the development strategy of each sector. The Road Maps are composed by the description of mitigation and adaptation measures, which were identified to achieve the NDC, and include information on how to implement them (scope, potential emissionreductions, MRV, enabling conditions, stakeholders and economic evaluation, among other topics).

The documents containing the sectoral NDC implementation roadmaps form the basis for the final report of the GTM-NDC. This effort is being complemented by a multilevel state and non-state actor involvement process called „Dialoguemos NDC“ (“Lets talk about NDC” in Spanish), a participatoryprocess involving key stakeholders in each sector and through all levels that provide comments and
feedback for each mitigation or adaptation measure. It is expected that the process contributes to the sectoral and stakeholder buy-in of the measures, and building on this buy-in, to a successful implementation of Peru’s NDC.

Key Impact

· MITIGATION POTENTIAL: It is expected that the implementation of the 62 mitigation measures proposed by the GTM-DNC would reduce a total of 69.4 MtCO2eq, representing 23,3% of the 2030 GHG emissions, with a gap of 6,7% pending to achieve the 30% commitment. This means also a good progress in terms of identifying the requirements to increase national ambition.

· ACTIVE INTERINSTITUTIONAL INVOLVEMENT AND COORDINATION TO PREPARE THE SECTORAL ROAD MAP: With the creation of the Multi-Sectoral Working Group, the 13 sectors involved and CEPLAN committed to prepare their Road Map, which is the main outcome from each sector during the GTM-NDC term. To this end, sectors have been coordinating and collecting information for every adaptation and mitigation measure to be implemented, in order to generate a baseline, identify the enabling conditions and the environmental and social co-benefits, the implementation costs, as well as the stakeholders involved. One outstanding aspect of this process is its participatory nature. Although each sector led the drafting of its sectoral Road Map, the entire process has generated coordination among the stakeholders involved, such as the private sector and civil society, and cooperation at a national and subnational level. The information generated was submitted in the GTM-NDC monthly coordination meetings for subsequent follow-up by each sector.

· IMPROVED OWNERSHIP AND COORDINATION FOR THE PROGRAMMING OF INTERNATIONAL FUNDING: With the work of the GTM-NDC, funds from international cooperation were geared towards climate change topics and the NDC, which implies that funds are to be allocated for projects that help implement the NDC. Initially, this process took place through the “green table”, a space to coordinate international funding for environmental actions. In February 2018, the GTM-NDC and over 40 donor and implementing organisations got together to review the country’s support needs for implementing its NDC. During the workshop, over 100 alliances between the different sectors and international cooperation organisations were set up. As a result, each sector has a list of cooperating partners and allies, thus generating a synergy of international funds towards the implementation of the NDC.

· BROAD INTER-SECTORAL STAKEHOLDER PARTICIPATION THROUGH THE PROCESS “DIALOGUEMOS NDC”: In order to ensure a participatory and collaborative nature of the implementation of mitigation and adaptation measures, an events series called „Dialoguemos NDC“ has been developed. This is a participatory, multi-stakeholder and multi-level process seeking to contribute to the implementation and outreach activities of the NDC (MINAM, 2018). The purpose then is to socialise, discuss and validate the measures with the sectors involved to generate agreements and alliances among keystakeholders involved in its implementation.

In the case of mitigation measures, for instance, it is known that over 50% have a high potential of getting private sector participation for their implementation. Therefore, with the help of international banking and international cooperation, profitable projects are being developed to encourage private sector investment. Following the same logic, if it is about measures with a regional focus,
meetings will be held with regional authorities; if it is about measures with an intercultural approach, representatives of indigenous peoples will be invited, for example. The purpose is to create synergiesto accelerate the NDC implementation process.

It is worth mentioning that the Framework Law on Climate Change (see Supreme Decree Nº 058- 2016-RE) was enacted in April 2018, stating the creation of the permanent High Level Commission,which would replace the GTM-NDC once the law enters into force. As stated in Article 10° of the Law,
the Commission is permanent, chaired by the Presidency of the Council of Ministries and with the technical secretariat under MINAM. It will be in charge of proposing mitigation and adaptation measures, as well as future NDCs.

Institutions Involved

· Ministry of Environment (MINAM):
also complies with its role as Technical Secretariat for the GTM-NDC;
· Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MRE);
· Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation (MINAGRI);
· Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF);
· Ministry of Energy and Mines (MEN);
· Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC);
· Ministry of Production (PRODUCE);
· Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (MVCS);
· Ministry of Health (MINSA);
· Ministry of Education (MINEDU);
· Ministry of Development and Social Inclusion (MIDIS);
· Ministry of Culture (MINCU);
· Ministry of Women and Vulnerable Populations (MIMP);
· National Centre of Strategic Planning (CEPLAN).

Source Details

Global Good Practice Analysis (GIZ UNDP)